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163. Sally has a date

162. Jon's new wardrobe

161. Mikey Has a Weird Question

160. Mikey to the rescue

159. Thought

158. Gary talks to Linda

157. Sharon gets an invitation

156. Sally Thinks About It

155. Sharon tries to explain

154. Size Differential

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151. Zoe's married?

150. Jon Thinks About It

149. Jon needs a new wardrobe

148. Zoe's good at golf

147. Interruptions

146. Meet the Gibsons

145. Zoe is in a Rush

144. To the Gibson's house

Slowly Swapping: Sally Has A Date

avatar on 2016-10-12 18:57:53

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Sally got the keys out of her handbag and then opened the door. She had just dropped Sharon off at Emily's and was looking forward to some peace and quiet. She loved Sharon but she could be a bit of a handful sometimes and occasionally Sally needed a break.

Entering the kitchen Sally poured herself a cup of coffee and then went into the living room and turned the TV on. As Sally sat there drinking her coffee she thought about the date that she had later in the week. She was looking forward to it but wondered if it was a bit too long after making contact. She pulled out her phone.

Sally decided that since she had a free afternoon she could see if he was available and they could meet for lunch or afternoon tea. Sally texted the man and as it turned out he was free as well. Sally smiled. They arranged to meet up while Sally finished her coffee.

After her coffee Sally headed upstairs to her bedroom. She needed to get ready for her date. She was beginning to feel nervous. It had been a while since she had been on a date.

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