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140. Gary Plays It Cool

139. Biff's dad gets a shock

138. At the airport

137. An Outsider

136. Every Time It Seems

135. Jon and Karyn are alone

134. Sarah and Zoe

133. Just Like One of the Family

132. Zoe's feeling better

131. Invitation to dinner

130. Mikey tries to cheer Biff up

129. There Was No Joy in Lake Point

128. Mikey's in charge

127. Bonding

126. Sarah's at the game too

125. Confrontation at the game

124. Linda Leaves Them Alone

123. Jon's bored at the game

122. Zoe heads downstairs

121. Hungover

Slowly Swapping: Gary Plays it Cool

on 2016-10-04 20:05:23

1282 hits, 91 views, 1 upvotes.

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Mikey hadn't given much thought to Gary's strange behavior...mostly because he didn't really care much. His level of caring continued to drop about most people.

The ride therefore didn't involve much conversation from Gary. He pretended he was tired and closed his eyes, occasionally peeking at the two of them.

As soon as they got to the house, he hurried in before them and cornered Lorraine, his wife. "Who is Mikey?" He asked her.

"Biff's girlfriend," she said, confused, without any hesitation. "You've met him dozens of times. You had a talk with Biff about being responsible, remember?"

"But that was..." Gary said. This was nuts. "Have you met his parents?"

"Not really, dear. Only in passing."

"Maybe it's time," Gary said. "Maybe I should drive him home...I'd like to see where he comes from."

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