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133. Just Like One of the Family

132. Zoe's feeling better

131. Invitation to dinner

130. Mikey tries to cheer Biff up

129. There Was No Joy in Lake Point

128. Mikey's in charge

127. Bonding

126. Sarah's at the game too

125. Confrontation at the game

124. Linda Leaves Them Alone

123. Jon's bored at the game

122. Zoe heads downstairs

121. Hungover

120. Mikey the cheerleader

119. Linda is a Bit Peeved

118. Arriving at the game

117. Jon arrives

116. Sharon Says Something Strange

115. Sharon arrives at the Gibson's

114. Mikey gets dressed

Slowly Swapping: Just Like One of the Family

on 2016-10-03 13:33:37

1393 hits, 89 views, 0 upvotes.

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"Hey Zoe! Don't forget you're joining us for golf tomorrow". Zoe didn't recognise the sender. It was from someone named Richard.

Zoe didn't know anyone named Richard. She also didn't know how to play golf. But some fresh air sounded pretty good after today. She just had to remember to take it easy on the drinks.

Zoe sat on the couch and turned on a children's program for Sharon. She was so easily distracted.

They were both sitting there when Karyn and Jon entered, with a brown-haired teenager standing nervously behind them. "Dad's just parking the car," Karyn said. "You feeling better?"

"Sure..." Zoe said.

The brown-haired teen came up to her. "Hi," Sarah said to Zoe.

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