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118. Arriving at the game

117. Jon arrives

116. Sharon Says Something Strange

115. Sharon arrives at the Gibson's

114. Mikey gets dressed

113. Jon gets dressed

112. Mikey gets dressed

111. Bathtime

110. Small Wonder

109. Mikey's Big Break

108. Breakfast with the Gibsons (Al

107. The Following Morning

106. Back with Linda

105. Intense Make out session

104. Checking that Sharon's asleep

103. Sally and the Date

102. Mikey' getting horny

101. Heading Out of the Mall

100. Let me take a selfie

99. Karyn loves Jon

Slowly Swapping: Arriving at the Game

avatar on 2016-10-01 17:38:54

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Karyn sat in the back with Jon as her dad drove them to the game. Karyn looked at Jon and Jon smiled back.

Karyn wanted to say something to Jon about her cousin but she couldn't in front of her dad. She decided to wait until they were alone. Karyn stared out of the window until she felt something touch her hand.

Looking around she realised it was Jon. He was holding her hand and smiling.

After an uncomfortable silent trip they had arrived at the game.

Jon released his grip on Karyn's hand and they got out. Jon soon walked around the car and resumed holding Karyn's hand.

"Are you OK?" Jon asked.

Karyn nodded. "I have something to tell you"

"What is it?" Jon asked concerned.

"Not now" Karyn said as her father approached them. "Later"

Jon pouted but before he could say anything Linda interrupted.

"Come on kids. Let's go get our seats.

Both Jon and Karyn nodded and they followed Linda to their seats.

As they walked Jon took in the crowd. Sure he didn't like football anymore but he was starting to get excited just by being in the crowd. His eyes stopped wandering as he spotted somebody he recognised.

"Hey!" He said pointing to the cheerleaders. "Isn't that Mikey?"

Linda and Karyn looked over to where Jon was pointing and sure enough they recognised him.

"What's Mikey doing in a cheerleading uniform?" Linda asked. "He's not a cheerleader"

Karyn shrugged her shoulders and took Jon's hand and led him to their seats.

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