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117. Jon arrives

116. Sharon Says Something Strange

115. Sharon arrives at the Gibson's

114. Mikey gets dressed

113. Jon gets dressed

112. Mikey gets dressed

111. Bathtime

110. Small Wonder

109. Mikey's Big Break

108. Breakfast with the Gibsons (Al

107. The Following Morning

106. Back with Linda

105. Intense Make out session

104. Checking that Sharon's asleep

103. Sally and the Date

102. Mikey' getting horny

101. Heading Out of the Mall

100. Let me take a selfie

99. Karyn loves Jon

98. Confrontation

Slowly Swapping: Jon Arrives

avatar on 2016-10-01 17:26:39

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"What do you mean?" Karyn asked, confused.

"I used to be the mommy," Sharon said. "Now Mommy is the mommy."

"What are you saying?" Karyn asked feeling something familiar about this.

"I used to be the mommy" Sharon repeated. "Now I'm the daughter"

Karyn's eyes widen in shock as she begun to understand what Sharon was saying. She was about to say something when the doorbell rang. Karyn answered it.

It was Jon. Jon blushed and giggled a bit as Karyn stared at his outfit.

"Wow Jon, you look amazing!" Karyn said as she let him in.

"Thanks" Jon said. He spotted Sharon standing in the hall. Something seemed different about his former aunt but he couldn't quite work it out.

"Jon," Karyn said. "We need to talk." But before she could continue Roger came back.

"Oh, hi Jon" he said spotting him. "Congratulations on last night" he said beaming.

"Oh thanks Mrs Gibson" Jon replied.

"Please, call me Roger. We're practically family" Roger said "and I love your outfit by the way"

"Err thanks, erm Roger".

Roger smiled before calling into the study.

"Linda! Jon's here"

Linda appeared and took in Jon's outfit.

"Hey Jon" she said. "Are you guys ready to go?"

Jon and Karyn nodded. Linda grabbed the car keys, kissed Sharon on the head and then said goodbye to her wife.

"What about Zoe?" Roger asked.

"Are you kidding?" Linda replied chuckling. "With the hangover she's got there's no way she would want to come. And with that the three headed out towards the car.

"Well sweetie" Roger said smiling at his niece. "It's just you and me"

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