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111. Bathtime

110. Small Wonder

109. Mikey's Big Break

108. Breakfast with the Gibsons (Al

107. The Following Morning

106. Back with Linda

105. Intense Make out session

104. Checking that Sharon's asleep

103. Sally and the Date

102. Mikey' getting horny

101. Heading Out of the Mall

100. Let me take a selfie

99. Karyn loves Jon

98. Confrontation

97. The Dork is on the Other Foot

96. Time to Leave

95. Mikey gets bored

94. Mikey Stops Biff

93. Zoe meets up with Athena

92. Reading Level

Slowly Swapping: Bathtime

avatar on 2016-09-27 10:56:11

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As the memories came back Sally had left the room. A moment later she came back "I've ran you a bath" Sally announced. "Why don't you get in and I'll sort your clothes for you?" She suggested.

Sharon nodded and went to the bathroom. There she took off her clothes and got in. The bath was actually rather nice and Sally had filled it up with lots of bubblebath so Sharon started playing with the bubbles. A moment later Sally came in. She was dressed in her work clothes.

"Mommy!" Sharon shouted trying to cover herself up.

"What's wrong honey?" Sally asked confused by her daughter's behaviour. "You always like bathtime"

Sharon thought about and realised that she did but it seemed strange that Sally was there washing her.

After the awkward bath Sharon went back into her bedroom and saw the clothes that Sally had laid out for her.

There was a pretty pink dress with buttons on the front and a white fluffy cardigan to go with it. Sharon also noted some pink underwear lying on the bed.

"Do you need mommy's help getting dressed sweetie?" Sally asked looking into the room.

Sharon was quite confident that she could dress herself so she declined. Once Sally had left Sharon began to get dressed.

She first slipped on the pink underwear and then followed with the white knee high socks. Sharon then put the dress on. However, as she came to do up the buttons she struggled and failed to get them done.

"MOMMY!" Sharon yelled.

Sally came rushing into the room worried. "What is it sweetie?"

Sharon pointed to her buttons and started to sniffle. "I can't do the buttons!"

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