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110. Small Wonder

109. Mikey's Big Break

108. Breakfast with the Gibsons (Al

107. The Following Morning

106. Back with Linda

105. Intense Make out session

104. Checking that Sharon's asleep

103. Sally and the Date

102. Mikey' getting horny

101. Heading Out of the Mall

100. Let me take a selfie

99. Karyn loves Jon

98. Confrontation

97. The Dork is on the Other Foot

96. Time to Leave

95. Mikey gets bored

94. Mikey Stops Biff

93. Zoe meets up with Athena

92. Reading Level

91. Storytime

Slowly Swapping: Small Wonder

on 2016-09-27 00:05:52

1550 hits, 117 views, 1 upvotes.

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Sharon woke up to a gentle shaking. "Sweetie," a mature voice said. "Time to wake up."

Sharon sat up, rubbing her eyes gently."Morning, Mommy." She gently put her feet on the floor and stood up and froze. For a moment there she'd almost forgotten the events of the previous day. But looking up at Sally, it suddenly came rushing back to her.

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