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108. Breakfast with the Gibsons (Al

107. The Following Morning

106. Back with Linda

105. Intense Make out session

104. Checking that Sharon's asleep

103. Sally and the Date

102. Mikey' getting horny

101. Heading Out of the Mall

100. Let me take a selfie

99. Karyn loves Jon

98. Confrontation

97. The Dork is on the Other Foot

96. Time to Leave

95. Mikey gets bored

94. Mikey Stops Biff

93. Zoe meets up with Athena

92. Reading Level

91. Storytime

90. Bedtime

89. Trevor's Party

Slowly Swapping: Breakfast with the Gibsons (Alt)

on 2016-09-26 23:53:59

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Roger hummed happily as he cooked the bacon. The smell starting to drift upstairs. He couldn't wait to see his niece. It had been a while since he had seen Sharon. Today was going to be a good day Roger felt. None of her children had been the type to want ot have tea parties and the other things Sharon enjoyed.

As Roger cooked, he thought about his children. He'd checked. Zoe was in her room nursing a hangover. Mikey hadn't come home last night which must have meant that he had spent the night with Biff again. Which just left Karyn. Roger hadn't heard if she came home last night.

Roger suddenly felt a pair of arms wrap around his waist and he smiled as Linda greeted him with a kiss on the neck.

"Morning babe!" Linda greeted her wife. Linda took the cup of coffee that Roger had prepared and then sat down at the table.

"Morning honey" Roger replied turning to take a look at his husband happy that she was back to normal.

Linda was currently wearing an NFL jersey that represented the local NFL team and a pair of shorts. That meant that she was game ready.

"Linda," Roger said, looking up at her. "Mikey didn't come home last night."

"Again? What do I have to do? Ground him? I mean, we have two kids who wouldn't think of doing something like that..."

Roger interrupted. "Actually, I haven't seen Karyn this morning either."

Linda looked like she might lose her temper. "Karyn too? I think this is getting out of control. I think we need a family meeting to lay down the law..."

Karyn entered the kitchen with a large smile on her face, and Linda paused. "Well, all right then."

"Morning mom, morning dad" Karyn greeted her parents happily as she took a seat next to her father.

Roger dished out the breakfast. "You seem happy" Roger noted.

"I am" Karyn replied. "Jon and I kissed last night"

"Oh honey" Roger said beaming. "Congratulations!" He pulled Karyn into a hug.

"Where were you this morning when your mother was looking for you?" Linda insisted.

"I took a walk. I didn't want to wake you so I sent a text."

Roger looked at Linda sternly. "See, reason to give Karyn the third degree."

"Mikey stayed out all night again?" Karyn guessed.

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