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74. Linda's story

73. Father-Son Advice

72. Zoe gets ready

71. Mikey gets a makeover

70. Linda's a little depressed

69. Sharon gets distracted

68. Sharon sneaks around

67. Mikey's trip to the mall

66. Jon gets home

65. Zoe's new suit

64. Library Swap

63. Zoe

62. let's go to the mall

61. Mikey prepares to go to the ma

60. Back at the high school

59. Pizza night

58. Young Professional

57. Checking in with Sharon

56. Biff is worried about Mikey

55. Jon Chooses Both For Now

Slowly Swapping: Linda's Story

avatar on 2016-09-09 14:14:18

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Linda blinked. "I mean...figuratively..." she lied. She took a sip of her beer while trying to recall the events from Roger's point of view.

"For me it was love at first sight" Linda started. "When I first met your mother I was immediately in love with him". Linda remembered Roger telling her this a long time ago. "But I was too shy and afraid to ask him out".

"Why?" Karyn asked.

"Well" Linda began. "I guess I was afraid that he'd reject me or something. I'm sure you know the feeling". Karyn nodded.

"Anyway I held back always afraid of the results. Your mother on the other hand started dating other guys but then something happened which made me realise that I couldn't just sit there and do nothing". Linda continued.

"What?" Karyn asked now eagerly listening to the story.

Linda took another sip of her beer. Surprisingly she felt an anger rise up inside of her as she thought back even though this had never happened to her.

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