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68. Mikey's Trip to the Mall (Alt)

67. Jon gets home

66. Mikey's trip to the mall

65. Zoe's new suit

64. Library Swap

63. Zoe

62. let's go to the mall

61. Mikey prepares to go to the ma

60. Back at the high school

59. Pizza night

58. Young Professional

57. Checking in with Sharon

56. Biff is worried about Mikey

55. Jon Chooses Both For Now

54. over to Sarah McMillan

53. Two Offers

52. father and son bonding time

51. Mikey's Turn (Alt)

50. Heels

49. Mikey gets punished

Slowly Swapping: Mikey's Trip to the Mall (Alt)

on 2016-09-05 15:13:47

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"So what shall we do first?" Mikey asked. He had no idea what girls did at the mall.

"Well I said we'd meet Tiffany at the food court so why don't we head there first?" Melissa suggested.

"Sure," Mikey said, shrugging his shoulders while wondering who this Tiffany was. He wanted to fit in while he figured this out.

As they got nearer to the food court they saw someone who Mikey guessed was Tiffany waving at them. They approached her. "Hey guys," She said, greeting them. Mikey normally wouldn't have given what Tiffany was wearing a second thought, but he found himself studying it.

"I can't wait for the game tomorrow!" Melissa said excitedly as they walked through the mall.

"What game?" Mikey asked, breaking his rule to not say anything that would tip people off.

"Hello?" Melissa replied "The one your boyfriend is playing in. What is wrong with you today? You are acting like a ditz." She asked.

"Nothing's wrong," Mikey lied. "I just forgot." He was shocked to find that he had a boyfriend...he wasn't gay or anything.

"Well I hope you don't forget to come." Melissa said.

Mikey shook his head. "Of course not." he said. He didn't know the high school field too well as he had only been once to watch his brother Karyn make a fool of herself trying out for the football team.

"It would be a lot better if you were on the squad, Mikey." Tiffany said.

Mikey was confused seeing as he had never played football before. "But I've never played football."

Tiffany giggled. "Not the football team, silly. The cheerleading team."

"Oh right," Mikey replied. Why would I be better on the cheerleading squad?

"We'd get to spend a lot more time together. And I bet you'd be great at it. Much better than Sarah McMillan." Tiffany continued.

Melissa nodded in agreement. "Yeah. How she became head cheerleader I'll never know." Melissa said.

"She's like a total dork. Earlier, she wanted to tell me about how one of her disgusting friends found a frog. So...immature!" She complained.

"And the way she looks...I mean, have you seen her hair?" She asked. "It's nowhere near as pretty as yours, Mikey." She continued without waiting for a reply.

Mikey blushed at the comment. He knew he shouldn't have long blonde hair but for some reason Melissa's compliment made him feel good about it. He liked people complimenting him.

"Where are we going?" He asked, suddenly.

"I'm not sure, we were just walking around..How about the salon?" Tiffany suggested. Melissa seemed to like that idea and so the three of them headed in that direction.

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