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23. The Duel

22. 2 Rivals

21. Cassandra

20. Freedom

19. Cheaters

18. Clover Dies

17. Drider Wins

16. Prize Fight

15. 7th Fight

14. 6th Fight

13. My Options

12. 3rd Fight

11. Human Threats

10. Permanent Avatar

9. 2nd Fight

8. 1st Fight

7. Nekojin

6. Loading

5. Return with Groceries

4. Tim plugs in...

1 Rival Down

avatar on 2021-12-13 03:24:14

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I watched as the baron smiled wider. "Well, you will find out eventually. Byron the hunter and Kyo will be marrying Elise and Cassandra respectively." he announced. The room went silent for a moment. They were both horrified by the looks of it. It was Robert that was the one most angered. "My cousins are noblewomen. I will not have their honor sullied by such barbaric matches." he snarled. I stepped forward and said "Are you saying I am not a good match for Cassandra? That is quite the insult to my honor and the honor of Baron Clearheart who gave his blessing." "Any human would be a better match for her. The very fact that he gave his blessing is proof that he should retire and give his title to someone who can better manage his assets." Robert scoffed. I slapped him in the face. Everyone was shocked. "Y-you can't do that! I'm a noble. I'll have you whipped for this!" he screamed. "I am the betrothed of a noble lady. I will not allow you to dishonor my father-in-law. If you truly feel so aggrieved, I will challenge you to a duel. I will prove I am worthy of Cassandra's affection." I said.

Personally, I did not care about his opinion one bit. This was the perfect time to eliminate a rival though. Robert looked at me in terror. "Surely, I can't hope to beat a true gladiator in combat. It would not be fair to me, would it?" he began to backpedal. I scoffed. "I'm sure I heard you say 'I will not have their honor sullied by such barbaric matches.' Will you keep to your word or will you back down!?" I challenged. He looked around the room. "Fine. I will face you at dawn. Like a real man, not a cat." He then stormed out of the sitting room we were in. I then turned to the stunned baron. "I'm sorry for breaking the peace. I could not help it. The honor of your house was in question, and something had to be done." I apologized with a small wink. He rolled his eyes. "Yes, yes. Such passions run hot for the young. Do be careful. Duels here are only to the death if you agree to it beforehand. I would still be honor bound to arrest you if you killed him unjustly." That was good to know. I left them to prepare for the fight. It was important. This would decide whether the plan would work out at all.

Quickly, dawn came. I was given a spear from the old armory under the castle. Robert had a saber. We met in the training grounds. The Cat Pack, Clearhearts, as well as a tired Oscar were watching from a raised balcony over the field. Other servants in service to the castle were there to spectate as well. It was not every day you saw a duel take place. "If you wish to avoid a fight to the death, you better back down now." I warned him. He scoffed and said "What kind of noble, what kind of man would I be if I backed down to a nekojin!? I will fight and I will kill you. Justice is on my side." I looked at Baron Clearheart. He nodded with a smile. I had permission to kill this fool. I did not even waste time waiting him out. I just jumped at him and began thrusting at him. He tried to block, but I was just too fast for someone who was not used to constantly training or fighting for his life. There was no way that he could compensate for my intensity. I dominated the pace and was just toying with him. Robert tried to strike at me, but I ducked it. I then skewered him on my spear and raised him up high.

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