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8. Jon won't get away unscathed

7. Sarah decides to be sporting a

6. Let's get Karyn involved

5. Sarah punished Jon for slut sh

4. Sarah tests some more.

3. The Bitch Makes Her Move

2. episode two

1. You Are What You Wish

A rude awakening

on 2021-12-05 09:39:41
Episode last modified by broom11 on 2021-12-06 02:24:17

1732 hits, 210 views, 5 upvotes.

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Jon opened his eyes. He was lying on his bed, with the vague feeling that he was forgetting something. He lay still for a moment, letting the last cobwebs of sleep blow away from his mind, hoping he could place the feeling that something was up once he was fully awake. No such luck. But he’d better get up anyway.

A jolt on his chest warned him that something had slipped down and was still pulling. Somethings. He hooked a finger into the collar of his light blue shirt to get a better look at whatever was clearly hanging down his chest with it’s non-insignificant weight. When he looked down he could a clear view of two pink tipped mounds rising up from his chest, covered in a light dusting of freckles.

There was also another thing - they ached slightly. He could only compare it to the feeling of muscles tired a few days after workout - from the very few times he actually went to the gym. Except it wasn't located in muscles. At least definitely not in his pectorals which seemed like roughly the place where the extra flesh was attached.

It ook him an embarrassingly long time to place what he was looking at due to the unusual perspective. Boobs! He had boobs!
As he swung a leg out of bed Jon could feel the something parting slightly between them before the other leg followed. But that detail was quickly forgotten when a grinning Sarah greted him “Good morning sleepyhead.” and the events of this morning came flooding back in. “Don’t get up yet.”
The last command caused Jon to plant his butt back onto the bed before he could fully stand up. He noted the weirdly smooth feeling of his legs rubbing against each other, but most of Jons attention was focused on the person sitting at the desk behind Sarah. He’d seen the face a hundred times but seeing it staring back at him from across the room instead of a mirror? That somehow felt like a worse attack on his identity than realizing Sarah had turned him into a girl. He just couldn’t deal with that right now on top of everything else. Even listening to Sarah gloat felt preferable to dealing with that. So Jon quickly averted his eyes and did exactly that.

“I hope you didn’t think you could call me a slut and actually get rewarded by having your frumpy little friend finally spread her legs for you? ” Sarah asked sweetly “ No I think you deserve a front row seat to seeing what it is like to be a slut like me. So this round the role of Karyn ‘Hooters’ Black will be played by you. I explained most of the other rules to the new and improved Jon there. So all that’s really left to get this party started is to give those back to you.“ she gestured to the wisps of flame still hovering in the middle of the room.

With a crook of her finger she caused the purple flames representing Jons libido, sexual preferences and kinks, to merge as the drifted towards him. A moment later the blue flames started making their way towards Karyn. Only for both to come to a sudden stop shortly before reaching them, as Sarah gave a theatrical shake of her head “Tsk. What am I thinking? I got them all mixed up In the confusion.”
She made a small gesture and the blue flames hovering in front of Karyn zipped towards Jon and sunk into his chest. Jon suddenly felt an odd tingling in his breasts and between his legs. It wasn't an unpleasant sensation. In fact, it was the most pleasant sensation he had felt since waking up as Karyn. His body shuddered and he groaned, a deep, soulful sound as he felt a spasmodic thumping and flexing in his abdomen. He felt an aching, empty sensation inside of his hips and was startled when he realized he wanted it filled with something hard!

He heard Karyn echo his moan from her seat at the desk as the purple flames vanished into her, and Jons eyes reflexively, dipped down to her jeans, or rather to the faint bulge underneath.

Then the moment passed, and all that was left was a slight dampness in Jons crotch. “Welcome to the other side.” Sarah commented the little display with a grin “Glad you like it.”

She gave them one last lookover, congratulating herself for a job well done before declaring “I’ll give you two some time to get ‘acclimated’ in private. You are free to do as you please once I am out of here. But don’t try contacting me the next few days unless I approach you first. I not in the mood to listen to you whine. ” And with that she left.

As Sarah got into her car, she wondered how long it would take until Jon found out about his new look. All it had taken to get around the wish for long hair and big boobs was to stuff Jons soul into a new body instead of Karyns original one.

But since she had to wish up a new body anyway and make sure that was the Karyn people remembered, Sarah had decided to go all in. So she had spent a bit of time tweaking Karyns new look and thrown in a few surprises for the two to discover. Some would even be pleasant ones, but most of these surrises had been mostly for Sarahs amusement.

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