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7. Sarah decides to be sporting a

6. Let's get Karyn involved

5. Sarah punished Jon for slut sh

4. Sarah tests some more.

3. The Bitch Makes Her Move

2. episode two

1. You Are What You Wish

What kind of game?

on 2021-12-05 09:37:16
Episode last modified by broom11 on 2021-12-05 09:42:41

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Jon didn’t know what kind of twisted game Sarah was about to propose, but there was little doubt in his mind that it was just a thinly veiled pretence for more humiliation.

Which is why Sarah next words came as a complete surprise.

“I can see what you think of that idea. So let me give you a carrot: I wish I will set things up so you have a fair chance of winning. I wish that if you do win I will reverse any unwanted changes I made to you two over the course of the game. I wish I won’t do anything violating the spirit of the game while it is ongoing and I wish I won’t mess with you after you win unless you mess with me first. ”

Everyone was left blinking after so many consecutive wish-induced flashes. And just when the spots of colour were fading from Jons eyes, Sarah continued “I wish I knew how to get around the haircolour-wish.” followed by an ominous chuckle on Sarahs part and a whispered wish.

“There is no need to look so surprised, by the way.” the cheerleader said “ I don’t hate either of you. Not really. Your attitude annoys the hell out of me, but once we graduate and I don’t have to see you around every day ” she shrugged “I couldn’t care less what happens to you. ”

“Buut I think the first round will go until the first day of the new schoolyear. If you don’t win that one you’ll have another chance to get back to normal by graduation. We’ll use a wish to determine who won, when the deadline comes around.
The goal of the first round is pretty simple: get more cum inside Karyn than me this year. ”
Sarah let out a sigh at the horrified gasps of Karyn and Jon “I don’t really plan to make it a race, you know. I mean I might go on a FEW more dates, to keep things interesting. “ she admitted ”But I don’t particularly want to whore myself out, to win this particular competition.” In fact Sarah had – contrary to popular belief – lost her virginity only recently; and was a firm believer in the idea that having sex wily-nily would cheapen it’s value as a bargaining chip.

So in Sarahs mind, the amount of sex Karyn would actually need to have to win was more than fair. Probably less than the amount the average sexually active teenager with a boyfriend had. But that wasn’t the point. The point was that neither Karyn or Jon knew that. So they would either have to revise their view of Sarah; or have to compete with an imaginary nymphomaniac. She’d gone with a deliberately crass way to put ‘have a more active sexlife than me’, mostly out of a lingering annoyance. And to leave little grey areas for what counted as ‘having sex’.
“And Karyn is still free to pick and choose from any guy at school, too. “ Sarah continued ” It’s not like I told you to become the mattress of the football team or something like that. “

“I both of you are immune to any STDs and unplanned pregnancies. There, that should give you even less reason to moan about the incredibly sadistic task of getting laid. Because god knows, that’s a fate I usually reserve for my worst enemies. Heck you don’t even get laid to win, if you prefer to as a guy to add secret ingredient to your milkshake, go ahead. “ she offered with a grin “I’ll give you that loophole. I’ll be even nicer: Karyn will probably have a tough time finding anything that fits that new figure of hers. So let me help you out there too, so you won’t have to throw out that collection of sadness you call your wardrobe; I wish that whatever you put on will adjust if neccessary to fit over Karyns boobs and ass, “ the cheerleader smirked as she added ” …barely. ”

Nothing much changed about Karyns outfit that Jon or Sarah noticed, but Karyn let out a sigh of relief as the panties that had dug painfully into her expanded hips and ass slackened enough to become merely very snug.
“But I am focusing on Karyn again. “ Sarah said when nothing interesting happened ” And it is high time to do something nice for Jon I think. After all you are probably the first guy Karyn will turn to for …help. So tell me Jon, what’s your favorite fantasy staring Karyn? “

Jon could feel his cheeks burn as he haltingly described a scene of watching TV on the couch in the living room late at night, where it was just him, Karyn and a bottle of whisky they had snuck in from somewhere. And a tipsy Karyn, suddenly unzipping Jons trousers to wrap her mouth around his dick. The details how that happened varied slightly each time he imagined it, sometimes there were corny jokes about getting a midnight snack, sometimes he had dozed off and it was a wakeup-call of sorts. But it was basically the same scene every time.

When Jons explanation petered off, both he and Karyn were red as beets and refused to look at each other. Their embarrassment made worse by a snickering Sarah, who evidently found the whole thing hilarious.
“Sooo” Sarah asked, wiping a few tears from her eyes. “Tell me the truth Karyn: Were you ever tempted to just give Jon a blowjob like that? ” prompting Karyn to stammer a few uncomfortable syllables, until Sarah told her “Just answer: Yes or no.”

“No.” Karyn had never had much interest in fellatio in general. Which wasn’t the same as never considering hooking up with Jon. But the distinction was lost on a visible crestfallen Jon. But now that she had answered Karyn was back under orders to keep silent.

“I see.” Sarah made a beckoning motion and a ball of flickering blue flame emerged from Karyns chest to hover over Sarahs right hand. “And here’s your problem:” Sarah said, eyeing the light critically “That’s your libido right here. and it is such a paltry thing. “ Another crook of her finger and Jon felt something in himself diminish as a wisp of purple flame left his chest to hover over Sarahs left hand.

The cheerleader held her two hands closer together “See, how much livelier Jons sex drive is? No wonder it didn’t work out. But why don’t we… ” she blew lightly against the flame causing it to surge and brighten “ …give it a little boost? There. Now you’ll find it much easier to get into the mood. “ Sarah said, inspecting the two balls of flame that now blazed away over her hands. “Hmmm. I think I boosted Jon’s a bit too by mistake. ” before setting the merrily blazing balls of flame drifting away like balloons with a nonchalant shrug “Well he’ll deal. Teenage guys are always horny anyway. And they definitely won’t be able to say Karyn is are a cold fish now. So problem solved.”

“So good news for you Jon----- unless…” another beckoning motion sent another flickering blue ball emerging from Karyns chest “Nope. ” Sarah declared after studying it for a few moments “ looking at her sexual orientation Karyn is definitely not gay. Aaand…” another beckoning motion caused a ball of flame emerge from Jons chest - this one purple in colour - “ ..neither is Jon it seems. So there goes that theory why you never hooked up. But …ohhhhh” she gave Karyn’s blue flames another look “I see Jon would have been in for quite a surprise if you ever DID hook up.. ” she said with a wink, before releasing the wisps representing their turn-ons.

Karyn flinched and looked away at the comment, prompting Jon to wonder just what that had been about. His musings were interrupted by Sarah saying “Of course the actual reason I asked for the ability to manipulate your minds was…” and then Jon and Karyn felt their … well everything being pulled out of their bodies.

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