The initial summary didn't look promising. Not only would he be doing it away from his family, Jon's new role was homemaker.
His job would be managing the home, including housekeeping, meals, childcare, home maintenance, household purchasing, etc. In exchange for this, he would be given a salary for personal use, as well as room and board.
He wasn't looking forward to this. But he clearly had no choice. Once this was over, he'd be able to wish it never happened...or that no one remembered it.
Zoe smirked at him. "Well, nice knowing you, stranger."
Linda made a noise. "Zoe..." she cautioned.
Jon looked at Zoe. "You don't have to enjoy this too much."
"I don't," she agreed. " you mind if I take your room while you are gone?"
"That's enough of that," Linda said, sternly.
Jon sighed. There was a noise indicating it was time for him to leave.