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12. Not So Fast Zoe Wants to Talk

11. Locker Room and Locker Chat

10. Jon Knows Who Has The Stone

9. Jon Joins the Team

8. Sharing the Moment

7. At the game

6. Zoe has to run

5. Volleyball, Not Football

4. Zoe The Jock

3. Zoe and Biff

2. Role Reversal

1. You Are What You Wish

Introduction to Girl Talk and Makeup 101

on 2021-11-27 00:57:08
Episode last modified by Sky_Born on 2021-11-27 00:59:18

1197 hits, 163 views, 2 upvotes.

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Modified for Spelling Corrections

Closing her locker and spinning the combination wheel Joan started to walk away but was stopped before she got the door by a familiar voice in the distance. ”Hey Joan can you come here for a minute?" Joan knew it before she saw her that it was Zoe calling to her. Turning around cautiously Joan saw a Zoe with a towel wrapped around her hair waving and smiling to her from around the corner of a locker stack. Shaking her head at what this could possibly be about Joan then backtracked past her locker stack and arrived at the place were Zoe had been spotted. Joan's former sister was standing in her pink panties and finishing fastening her pink bra to her body, she had a white and orange-stripped summer dress sitting on the wooden bench below her. Joan was taken aback by the sight not at his former sister half-naked and recently showered but the fact that Zoe's body had changed again and was not the muscle-bound athlete she had seen in Zoe's room but it was now a body-type that matched her own, one better suited to impressing boys and strutting around the beach in thin strips of cloth then bench pressing discs. With this in mind Joan wasn't surprised that Zoe was wearing pink and had a sundress ready to plop on as she obviously had been changed by Joan's earlier wish as well. Somehow making Jon into Joan and making her part of the volleyball team had changed Zoe too into more of a stereotypical girly-girl but the question now was what had also changed that Joan didn't know about?. Finishing her bra clasp and Zoe looked up with a smile at Joan and said: "Hey girlfriend I just wanted to make sure that you were really OK. As earlier.....What's this! Why haven't you showered or changed? and why aren't you wearing makeup Joan?” Zoe had gone from a smile to shock as she stared at her friend waiting for an answer. Thinking fast Joan wasn't expecting this but she knew that she had to come up with something plausible. "Oh Zoe I wasn’t feeling well earlier and I just wanted to go home and get to bed" Zoe's eyes stayed wide as she shot back into her inquiry: "Joan that's what I wanted to talk to you about as you weren't yourself earlier but that can wait as i don't know why you want to go home as I invited you last weekend to sleep over my house on Friday and now its Friday and you were going to come to my house tonight. but if you aren't feeling well enough for it.…" Joan's own eyes lit up at this good news as she didn't need to case her old house anymore but would instead get to walk right in instead and get the stone back before the night was over. "Oh yeah I remember now Zoe of course I'm gonna sleep over your house I guess I just got a bit frazzled earlier from that incident." Zoe's face went from concerned and disappointed to bright and happy as she squealed at the thought of the fun night ahead. Still she wouldn't let her friend out of the locker room without looking at least halfway presentable.

As she slipped her dress over her head and smoothed it over her body Zoe got down to business "Alright Joan you can shower at my place but before we leave, sit down on the bench over here and I'll do your makeup for you, no butts, friends not leave friends less then pretty." Joan was taken aback as she didn't want to wear makeup and didn't see the need for it even though it was more of her old male instincts that assumed that it wasn’t necessary even though she obviously wasn’t a boy anymore and makeup had been as normal as breathing for the old Joan and her best friend Zoe. "Oh come on Zoe that's not necc.…" "Sit now!" exclaimed Zoe yanking her friend forward and downward on the arm until Joan's legs gave way and her butt plumped down onto the bench causing a quick exhale to escape through her lips at the feeling of her butt on the seat and all the extra fat and muscle that it had on it, like sitting on a waterbed (another disturbing feeling to get used to). Zoe immediately got to work with her makeup kit and told Joan to hold still as she applied mascara, brushes, lip gloss and all the trimmings of modern women’s makeup. After around ten minutes mostly with it spent with her eyes closed Zoe told Joan to open her eyes and as she did as commanded she was met with the sight of a very beautiful woman staring back at her through a handheld mirror.

Joan immediately knew that this was herself even though she hadn't seen her reflection in a mirror yet but her original facial looks she had as a male were clearly recognizable even though they had been feminized, diminished in size along with her skull, and beautified to such a degree that they weren't male features anymore but belonged to a clearly breathtaking young woman who clearly also had a very profitable future career in the modeling world if she wanted that. The makeup brought so much more of her facial beauty outward and Joan stared away in awe for several seconds longer then she probably would have if she hadn't got it applied. Looking at this beautiful face and knowing that it was hers Joan made a promise to herself that as long as she was a girl she would make the effort to learn how to apply makeup herself and apply it whenever she had to go somewhere because she now felt that her beauty deserved to be shown to the world. Tearing her eyes away from the refection she looked into the eyes of her former sister who was smiling after seeing the reaction of her best friend to her work. Joan closed her mouth and smiled herself saying "Thank you" to Zoe as she stared at her. As she thanked Zoe Joan realized that she had flavored lip gloss on her lips, strawberries she thought it tasted like. Seeing her friend hold her mouth closed and break the stare Zoe laughed and said "Yeah I know I thought you'd like the strawberry flavor, I have cherry on my own lips, do you like it?" Before answering Zoe vocally Joan answered herself mentally while turned back to look into the mirror: "Yes I do like it."

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