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11. Locker Room and Locker Chat

10. Jon Knows Who Has The Stone

9. Jon Joins the Team

8. Sharing the Moment

7. At the game

6. Zoe has to run

5. Volleyball, Not Football

4. Zoe The Jock

3. Zoe and Biff

2. Role Reversal

1. You Are What You Wish

Changing Rooms and Changed Life

on 2021-11-27 00:54:28

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Joan didn't know what to think as she followed the group of girls to the locker room. She didn't belong where she was that was for sure and even though her mind was in shock at the turn of events over the last several minutes that didn't mean that she didn't feel a deep sense of alienation in having been plopped down among these girls in a life that she knew nothing about with no current way of returning to her original existence. "What was that boy now living her life doing with her stone? What was he to Karyn? Who was she herself now exactly and how would she adapt to her current situation until she could get a hold of the stone and hopefully return to normal?" All of these were questions that constantly plopped through Joan’s head at breakneck speed as she walked along the corridor that connected the locker rooms to the gymnasium and much to her sorrow none of them she had an immediate answer for.

True terror enveloped her for a short time when she remembered that there was no way to reverse wishes once wished and that she may be stuck as Joan for the rest of her life even if she could get the stone back. Thankfully Joan got away from a full panic attack by calming herself down before her heavy breathing turned into hyperventilation, least she wanted to do was freak out again among her “new” teammates. Joan would find a way to get back to being Jon even if it killed her and freaking out over her current situation wouldn't help that future plan in the least. There was one aspect of her current predicament although that couldn't be ignored forever as it was a constant reminder to her every time she took a step. Joan obviously was a volleyball player and so she wasn't on the average-size when it came to body type. Joan obviously worked out all the time to get a well-toned body even though her female arm and leg muscles were not as pronounced as Zoe's had been we she saw them earlier in her room. Pilates and leg presses obviously ruled the day whenever Joan was in the gym for the body that she marveled over oozed sex-appeal while also providing springy legs for those ball spikes that she was so famous on the team for. These exercises in turn sculpted a large butt that constantly swung from side to side as she took steps along with her wide hips in a way that Joan had never experienced as a male before. Well it was obvious that she wasn't a boy with the empty feeling between her legs and the tight short-shorts she was wearing that was able to enclose that area without giving her discomfort. There were other aspects of her new existence of course with the before-mentioned butt and hip action, the long hair tied in a bun, and of course her breasts that she guessed must have been B-cups at least and at such a young growing age of 15.

Still the feeling of her body felt completely wrong to her and still she felt that she had to keep her cover so she allowed her hips and butt to swing outward at each strut and tried to put on a smiling face even as her dirty and sweating body ached from the previous game. Joan still felt winded from her finishing tag team move she had managed with Zoe to win the match even though she had originally seen it from the bleachers not from the action itself. Everyone poured through the opened door of the locker room as additional cheers went up. Even with her unintentional freak-out earlier that had partly soured the mood the team was still in high spirits and the bad event was already being brushed aside as the thought of their victory and the next game in the semi-finals filled their minds. Trying to smile at everyone and look like she was happy too Joan thought she would never feel comfortable with how her life had turned out now or where she was within it. Sure she was in a populated girls locker room and no one was giving her shit for it and that would seem like that was the dream of every high school boy but the fact was that Joan was no longer a boy and she was no longer properly attired in the biology department to appreciate this moment. She wanted to leave as quickly as possible and try to wait to break into her old house later when everyone had gone to sleep in order to take a shot at the stone.

Quickly skipping to her locker number 43 that for some reason she knew off the top of her head like it had always been hers Joan was immediately again floored at the fact that she also knew her locker combination even though she had never known or talked to the old Joan in her old life. Still she didn't have time to consider the possibilities as that boy had the stone and her life and he could make another wish any second that could screw her over for good so she had to get that stone in her own hands. Some of the girls on her team were already leaving having decided to shower and change at home rather then the locker room. Others had indeed undressed and were in the showers right now. Joan knew that this was a once in a lifetime chance to live out one of her fantasies and in fact she was nearly tempted completely to strip down and join her team in the showers but suddenly she snapped herself out of it and luckily she had for she realized she had begun to lift her shirt over her head before she pulled it back down back over her breasts and tummy. Joan was not a pervert and even though she was now a girl of the same age as those in the showers she wouldn't abuse her friends trust for Joan. Opening her locker and taking out to put on a light red coat and a pair of pink sweatpants, Joan then took out her red pocketbook to slip naturally and effortlessly over her shoulder as if she had done it all her life. Joan brushed off the alarms as she knew she had to "play-the-part" as long as she occupied this body and assumed this role and the wish had unintentionally helped her in that regard involving memories from the original Joan. Opening her pocketbook she took out her wallet and stared at her new learner’s permit from behind the clear plastic film “Joan Morgana Daniels.”

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