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10. Jon Knows Who Has The Stone

9. Jon Joins the Team

8. Sharing the Moment

7. At the game

6. Zoe has to run

5. Volleyball, Not Football

4. Zoe The Jock

3. Zoe and Biff

2. Role Reversal

1. You Are What You Wish

Role Reversal: Jon Knows Who Has The Stone

avatar on 2009-08-03 17:59:00

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"Joan, are you okay?" Zoe asked, her anger turning into concern. From her point-of-view, Joan was just not acting right.

Jon (now apparently Joan) watched as the boy that was wearing his clothes playfully tossed something into the air and caught it, then put it in his pocket. The boy then walked away with Karyn.

That must have been the stone! At least he knew where it was. Now he'd just have to try and get it back.

Zoe pulled Jon's attention towards her. "Joan, are you listening to me?"


"Get your shit together. Everyone's watching," Zoe said, nodding towards the crowd.

"Oh. Yeah," Jon said, then followed the rest of the volleyball team out the door.

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