Faster than a speeding paintball!
More powerful than a toy trainset!
Able to leap the shortest buildings in a single bound!
Mild-mannered high school student Walter Smukmeyer is, in secret, the Man of Tin: Superb-Man! The self-proclaimed Defender of the City and sworn enemy of all crime and villainy within Lake Point, Superb-Man is on constant vigil against the Vaguely Evil Forces that lurk somewhere in Lake Point, always at the ready to use his unimpressive powers to keep them at bay!
Or at least he would be if Lake Point weren't a somewhat affluent small town with no serious criminal issues and no supervillains (Well, none that he knows of. Detective work is hard, okay!?). He only ever had one nemesis: a stealthy, winged flying burglar ninja that would creep into children's homes in the dead of night, whom he swore to capture! He only found out that this was the Tooth Fairy after she effortlessly knocked a few of his teeth out and tried to compensate him for it.
Other than that, it turns out "fighting crime" in Lake Point mostly means cleaning up after the Goths when they try spray-painting dicks onto school property, making sure nobody's underage if there's any alcohol at parties, and occasionally getting Laura Ferguson's cat out of her tree (she finally stopped asking him to do this when she figured out Nadine getting a ladder was faster than having him change into his costume).
Eventually he stopped wearing his costume so much when it started feeling like Superb-Man wasn't making any meaningful difference in Lake Point. These days, he doesn't even remember where he's hidden it.