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9. The Studs Get a Taste of Their

8. Amber Turns Smart

7. Sarah Turns Lesbian

6. The Past Doesn't Change and Bi

5. Biff Turns Gay

4. Emily Simms

3. Words of Power

2. A wish for something interesti

1. You Are What You Wish

Words of Power: A Taste of Their Own Medicine

avatar on 2013-02-05 04:10:23

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(Author's Note: Emily is the only one who has the "words of power". Because of the continuity error, I decided to do a rewrite of The Guest's episode.)

"Hey, maybe Amber is the smartest girl in school and she's just acting dumb to get guys to like her," Emily said.

"If she's so smart, why would she think that would work? That would only work on those so-called 'studs' who think girls are just for fooling around with."

"Yeah, that's true. Could you imagine what it would be like if those guys got treated that way?" Emily asked. And it became true.

Tom Welles was running ... he didn't know what had just happened, but he felt very confused. He'd been out at the local mall, scouting girls, when suddenly ...

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