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8. Amber Turns Smart

7. Sarah Turns Lesbian

6. The Past Doesn't Change and Bi

5. Biff Turns Gay

4. Emily Simms

3. Words of Power

2. A wish for something interesti

1. You Are What You Wish

Words of Power: Amber Turns Smart

avatar on 2013-02-03 14:56:10

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"Yeah, I don't think so," Ashley said. "Sarah being a lesbian is as likely as that stupid bimbo Amber being the smartest girl in school."

"Hey, maybe Amber is the smartest girl in school and she's just acting dumb to get guys to like her," Emily said. And it became true.

At the Levine house, Amber (the busty blond bimbo in question) was trying to do her homework for her basic math class, but she was having a lot of trouble, as always. Thinking was so hard for her.

But then, suddenly, it was like the fog in her mind disappeared. She looked down at the math problem and knew exactly how to solve it. In fact, it was really really easy. So easy that she wondered why she was having trouble solving it in the first place.

Over the next half hour, she finished all of her homework. Math, science, history, literature. It was all so easy. When she was done, she decided to solve the biggest problem of all - why she was suddenly so smart.

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