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7. Sarah Turns Lesbian

6. The Past Doesn't Change and Bi

5. Biff Turns Gay

4. Emily Simms

3. Words of Power

2. A wish for something interesti

1. You Are What You Wish

Words of Power: Sarah Turns Lesbian

avatar on 2013-02-02 18:34:22

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Over the phone, Ashley said "Could you image how Sarah would react to something like that?"

Emily giggled. "Hey, for all you know, Sarah's a lesbian." And the moment she said it, it became true.

Back at Biff's house, Sarah suddenly felt odd. She stopped pounding on the bathroom door and thought back to the sex that she and Biff had been having a moment ago, and she felt revulsion. Just the idea of having sex with a guy instead of a girl ...

"What the hell?" she uttered, panicking. "I'm not a lesbian." But she was, now, because of what Emily said.

In the bathroom, Biff was still trying to get a hold of himself. There had to be a reason for this. People didn't just suddenly turn gay, right? Little did he know, his girlfriend had just turned homosexual as well. So that made two people changed within the space of a few minutes.

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