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28. Jerry becomes a victim of his

27. The ex-bimbos seek revenge

26. "...that all the bimbos in tow

25. But at that very moment, Jon h

24. The bimbos invade the facility

23. Mike, Sarah, and Chris find ot

22. Mike, Sarah, and Chris get awa

21. Moose moves quickly to save so

20. Dr. Chance has another surpris

19. The Jocks and Preps make their

18. As the story spreads, Dr. Jerr

17. Mike tells his friends at scho

16. Mike gets away

15. Mike decides to run and save h

14. A sudden knock on the door

13. Mike Doesn't Get Away and Jerr

12. Randy Becomes Randi

11. Trying to Escape

10. Steve Becomes Steph

9. Steve Jumps in the Pool

Bimbo Water: Dr. Chance gets his comeuppance

on 2016-05-26 06:02:07

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Dr. Chance struggled to get away, but it was no use. Steph, Randi, Ricki, Bethy, and Deena held down his arms and legs too tightly. Horrified, Dr. Chance realized that like so many mad scientists, he was about to become a victim of his own creation.

His ex-wife Lisa approached him, with an open bottle of Bimbo Water. "You know, Jerry. It didn't have to be this way. The fact is, you're a brilliant inventor slash scientist."

"If you could create a chemical like this, then there's all sorts of things you could have invented to help the world. You could have invented cures for all sorts of diseases and disabilities. You could have fixed the environment and ended climate change. There are so many things that you could have created that would have benefited humanity and made the world a better place for everyone."

Her tone then took on a bitter edge. "But no. Instead you waste your time creating things like this Bimbo Water because you can't stand being around women who are smart and won't put up with your controlling bullshit. You like your women to be dimwitted, docile sex objects, and don't want them to have thoughts, hopes and dreams that don't involve pleasing you. So you create this Bimbo Water and try to turn this whole town into your sex fantasy."

She spat on the floor. "All that talent, wasted on something like this. I tried to change you five years ago. By that, I mean I tried to persuade you to use your talents for good, but I knew it was a lost cause. And you've only gotten worse since then."

Jerry saw the look in her eyes. "Look, you don't really want to do this. I swear to you, I'll turn over a new leaf. I'll never do anything like this again, I promise."

Lisa smiled. "Don't make promises you can't keep. But don't worry, you're keeping this promise." She motioned to Randi, who held Jerry's head still and pried open his mouth.

"Okay, I've got him." Randi said. She was looking forward to what was about to happen just as much as Lisa was.

"Wait!" said Bobbi. "Shouldn't we be turning him over to the police?"

"Not as he is now." Lisa replied. "He's too dangerous. He could pull some trick and escape. It's better this way..."

Lisa turned back to Dr. Chance, whose mouth was being forced open by Randi. His eyes looked at her pleadingly as if to say "No! Please, don't do this!"

Lisa raised the open bottle of Bimbo Water. "Sorry, Jerry. You had your chance, no pun intended. You don't deserve your intelligence anymore. Goodbye..."

She then poured the contents of the bottle down Jerry's throat. Randi then forced Dr. Chance's mouth shut, and held it closed to keep him from spitting out the Bimbo Water. With a few pushes and shoves from Steph and Bethy, Dr. Chance found himself swallowing the Bimbo Water.

"Let him go." Lisa said. And with that, Randi, Steph, Bethy, Ricki and Deena released their grip on Dr. Chance and stood back to watch the changes.

Terror overtook Dr. Chance. He could feel the changes already. "No! You fools! What have you done? You've ruined me! And do you think you've won? You'll never put the genie back in the bottle." His voice began changing, getting higher in pitch. Breasts began to balloon on his chest.

Even as he ranted, his memory was starting to get hazy. He giggled.

His hair grew longer and shoulder length, and his face took on a round and feminine appearance. His body took on a perfect hourglass shape, as his breasts expanded to an E-cup. "Even without me it'll find its way to other towns. I had a ball.... ball ... uh, what was I talking about again?"

Jerrie looked down at herself. "Ooh, boobies." She shook them, and caressed them. She then looked at the group. "Look, you all got huge boobies like me. Do you know a place we can find some cute guys?"

Steph winced. Knowing that this was how she had acted ten minutes ago made her uncomfortable. She was also painfully aware that she was still stuck as a ridiculously hot chick.

"Well, that's the end of Dr. Jerry Chance." Lisa said. "I don't think any of us can say he didn't have it coming."

"But he could have changed us back!" Bethy said.

Lisa gave a bitter chuckle. "You didn't know Jerry very well. I doubt he created any way of reversing the Bimbo Water's effects. And I don't think we could have made him do it, either."

"But how'd we get our memories back? And our smarts?" Randi asked.

"Beats me." Lisa said, shrugging her shoulders. "It looks like he didn't know, either."

"I think someone else must have messed up his plan somehow." Bobbi said. "And found a way to make us remember who we were."

"But who?" asked Cara. "And how?"

No one seemed to have an answer. Certainly not Jerrie, who was arching her back in a sexy pose.

"So, now what do we do?" Bethy asked.

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