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4. Rules 2

3. A New Board Game

2. A wish for something interesti

1. You Are What You Wish

Rules and the Game begins

on 2011-06-30 13:19:52

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(I changed one of the cards, meant to have that before but forgot to do it)

*'Enchanted Realms'
The game of magical choices

Enchanted Realms is a dice and card game, where depending on the choice of the player, decides the outcome of the game. Players will move their pieces through the many regions of the Realms, encountering many challenges, and tasks. The rules are as follows:

-Game requires 4-5 players that must be ages 10 and up.

-To move roll the die and move the number of spaces rolled.

-Then draw a color card as indicated by the space and read the task and requirements. Remove card from dispenser.

-The game cannot be stopped for any reason, it can be paused to allow players to rest, but must be played until finished.

-If two players land on the same space, they must draw a challenge card. Challenge lasts two turns.

-No cheating. If a player is caught cheating they will receive a warning, if caught cheating three times player will receive a punishment.

-The first player to reach the end of the game wins and will receive a gift. Game will then reset until it is ready to be played again.

Color cards:

-Blue cards: Age

-Green Cards: Transformation

-Red Cards: Body

-Yellow Cards: Culture

-Orange Cards: Gender

-Purple Cards: Misc*

Jon paused in his reading when he felt everyone looking at him in confusion. He shrugged to them and went back to reading.

*Required to play:

-Five playing pieces. Take on characteristics of player as he or she plays.* ("Huh?" they all said)

*-A six sided die.

-Card dispenser and cards; both Color and Challenge cards.

There are many different paths through the Enchanted Realms. Players may choose any direction to go, as all paths lead to the same place. Just remember that depending on the players choice, decides the outcome of the game. And finally, enjoy your adventure and have fun!*

"Okay, this game is weird," said Zoe with a snort.

"For once Sis, I think I agree with you," said Jon as he stared at the games rules in confusion.

"What do you think it meant by all of... that stuff it said?" asked Linda nervously.

Jon shrugged his shoulders and shook his head. He placed the rules back in the box and turned to look at the big game board. It almost looked like a map of, with all the different regions marked and land features. The different paths literally crisscrossed the game board, almost like roads. Grouped beside the board were five feature and genderless, playing pieces, a six sided die and a card dispenser - with the cards already inside.

"Well," said Jon as he reached for one of the player pieces, "I say let's get ready to - WHOA!"

As soon as his hand touched it, the figure shifted and turned into a miniature version of Jon. Gingerly, and with shocked expressions, the others grabbed their pieces and the same thing happened.

"Okay, that was freaky," said Zoe with wide eyes, everyone else nodded as they placed there pieces on the start square.

Just after they did that, the sound of locks clicking sounded throughout the house and the light dimmed, all except for the light hanging over the table.

"I take that back, this is getting creepy!" stated Zoe.

"Well," said a trembling Karyn, "The rules did say we couldn't stop or leave the game for any reason, only if we needed to take a short break. I think we have to play this whole game through."

Jon swallowed and nodded his head, he reached for the die and began shaking his hand, "So, we roll to see who goes first?" at everyones nod, Jon rolled the die across the table...

(Branch Rule: To make this seem like a real board game and to keep the die rolls and color cards random, get a pair of dice; one die is for the number rolled and the other is for the color of the card. Here is the key: 1=Purple, 2=Orange, 3=Blue, 4=Yellow, 5=Green, and 6=Red. The key for the cards: Blue=Age Manipulation, Green=Transformation; either object or animal Tf, Red=Body Manipulation, Yellow=Cultural change, as in race; normal or fantasy, Orange=Gender Transformation, and Purple=Misc. anything really. And that's it, so have fun with this!)

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