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3. A New Board Game

2. A wish for something interesti

1. You Are What You Wish

A New Board Game

on 2011-06-29 15:29:03

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Jon looked around his room, checking to see if anything was different. Nothing. Everything in his room remained the same. He sighed in relief and was placing the stone down on his dresser when his mom, Linda Madison, called up the stairs.

"Jon!" called Linda, "Remember, its your turn to choose the game for game night tonight!"

"Okay!" he called back as he made his way to his closet and opened the door.

He reached up to the top shelf that had all of his board games and began to shift through them to find one they hadn't played in a while. "Hmm, let's see here," he pulled down Sorry, "Nope, played that one too much," he placed it on the floor and reached for another, "Monopoly? Nah, we played this one almost a hundred times," placed that one down and reached up again, pushed Life to the side, when he spotted something, "Hello, what's this?"

Jon pulled the game down and walked out of the closet, brushing dust off the box. "Enchanted Realms?" Jon read the name on the box, "I don't ever remember this game," he mumbled to himself.

"Jon! Karyn's here! Have you found a game yet?" Linda called from downstairs.

"Yeah mom! I've found one!" he responded as he carried the game out of his room and downstairs.

He entered the kitchen to see his mom, his little brother, Mikey, his fourteen year old goth sister, Zoe, and his best friend, Karyn, sitting around the kitchen table waiting for him.

"Hey, Jon! What game is it tonight?" asked Karyn.

"It's called, Enchanted Realms," said Jon as he set the game on the table.

"What the hell type of game is that?" growled Zoe, "It sounds like some messed up princess game."

"Zoe! How many times have I told you not to swear while at the table," Linda scolded.

Zoe huffed and crossed her arms, "Yeah, yeah, I didn't even want to play a game tonight. Why can't I go with my friends to the Spiked Pitt?"

"Because I want us to spend time together with family and friends. Now stop moping," sighed Linda.

Mikey pulled the lid off on looked at the picture, "Looks cool to me!"

Linda held out a hand and Mikey handed it to her. "'Enchanted Realms' The game of magical choices? I've never heard of this game, when did we get it?"

"I don't know," said Jon, "I found in the back behind the rest of the games."

"Well, I say let's play!" stated Karyn, "Besides its something we've never played before, it might be fun."

Jon smiled and he pulled out the instruction's. "Okay, you get everything out and ready, while I read the instructions."

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