The Previous Evening
Kyla strode purposefully into the Food Court. As she moved toward one of the tables, she paused, spotting an unfamiliar girl watching her from a distance. She strode over confidently. "Excuse me, do I know you?"
The girl blushed. She was fairly attractive, Kyla guessed, if you liked that sort of thing. She fidgited, clearly nervous. When she finally spoke, it was in a soft, gentle sounding voice. "We go to the same school. You're Kyla Leeson."
"Yes, I am. And you're..." she said. There were too many students at school for even her to keep track of. She was expected to, after all.
"Sarah," she said.
"What can I do for you?" Kyla asked, all smiles on the outside. People always seemed to want something from her.
Biff looked over at Kyla and the blond girl she was with that he didn't know. Everyone knew Kyla..she was on the student council, a top student, and one of the most popular girls in school. He looked around for the person he'd come in with...where had they gone?
Amber Levine headed out of the Food Court, sipping a coke, passing by that popular girl and some blond. She couldn't cover a look of disgust she had as she glanced at Kyla. She hated her and she didn't care who knew it.
Melissa blinked, and picked one of the fries in front of her up and eat it. It didn't matter. The place was closing and she had to throw it out anyway. She resumed the cleanup, so she could go home. Her job sucked, but at least she got free food.