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143. Fertilize Eggs

142. My Captives

141. Swallowed Up

140. Encounters

139. The Naming

138. 2 Return

137. Prophecy

136. Displeased

135. Trade Route

134. Tac Pack

133. Exp. Farm

132. Adventuring

131. 2nd Ekans

130. Forgemaster

129. Defeat Her

128. The 3 Tribes

127. First Contact

126. Gevaris

125. Accept It

124. Lance Quaid

Breeding Like Rabbits

avatar on 2021-10-21 00:34:22
Episode last modified by 1Ryguy1 on 2021-10-21 00:34:47

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Calmly, I just shrugged my shoulders. Having a near invincible leader would be great. I would just need to be on the look out for Elitpers and the Ekans with black scales on them. My Protectors could deal with them. There was no downside for that. As long as he did not get in my way, everything would be fine. Going over to the den and looking for the Ekans, I found them having their daily meal. They were sucking the eggs and the Protectors were looking put upon. When they were done giving the eggs, both Ryder and Yawni left. I made sure to pat them on the head and rub their bellies to make them feel slightly better. It seemed to be slightly effective. They cooed and smiled as their legs began to thump against the ground. As they walked away, I pat them on the shoulders and said "You are doing a great job. I am proud of you. Thank you so much guys." They nodded and left us alone. As a warden of sorts, I was making sure that they were not going to go anywhere. They seemed to enjoy being feed high quality meals everyday. I did not tell them about the others. It had been a while.

Doing this was to keep them docile. Their sister was kept in the village of the white tribe. The Ynnub were feeding her in much the same ways. She was too powerful for their seed to take root in her womb. That did not help her when Ynnub eggs were stuffed inside her. They were obviously able to breed and bear children. I was not sure about that so I was going to give them time. Having kids to take care of would be good for cutting down a bit on the boredom. I walked over to the female and said "I told you that I would come to breed you one day. Today is that day." Both of them hissed at me and she said "If you really think you can impregnate me, you must be delusional. I am a proud Ekans. You're a mutated human with feathers. Must have found some loose ichor somewhere." I walked up to her and said "You can think that if you want." She leaned back a bit before shaking her head. "Fine! Go ahead and shaky this puny hips around. I will reject whatever seed your pathetic manhood spills in me." she snapped. I laid her down on the ground. She wrapped me up in her coils.

Even though I was much stronger, I was not prepared for the ferocity she would come at me with. We were off to the races and she certainly has a head start. Some soft nibbling and heavy petting allowed me to get her off once or twice, but she was still full steam ahead. I eventually called it quits after I felt it cumming. When I busted my load as deep in her as I could go, she tried to pull away from me. I used my legs to cling onto her. I wanted the cum to get in as far as possible before she could. "Get off of me, puny human! I don't want to be filled with your weak seed." she hissed. I just smirked and said "If I'm so puny, why can't you push me away." She got angry and tried to squeeze me into compliance. That was not going to work. It only tired her out. After 5 minutes, I pulled out on my own. The female bent over and tried to extract the cum. She got some of it, but from the unsatisfied look, it was not enough. I then turned to the male. "C'mon. It's your turn now." I said, still hard. He looked at me in surprise. "If you could not impregnate a female, you won't do it with a male." he said.

I laid him down next to the female and tapped my dick against his genital slit. "We'll see how many eggs you lay for me." I said before pressing it in. We both hissed as it was a very tight fit. "Damn you human! There's nothing to be gained from this." he whined. I ignored him and kept going. He was not willing to back down either. He rut against me and, once again, I was outmatched. He was feeling pain so he was not able to get off before I could. The male Ekans demanded I pull out, but I stayed in. As we reached the 5 minute mark, I pulled out and pulled my pants back up. "I can't wait until you both lay my eggs. Having kids would be nice." I mused out loud. "We will never lay a single egg for you!" the female said. I seriously doubted that. I decided to visit the Ekans in the white tribe. She was in the middle of being bred. They had tied a rope around the halfway point of her tail and her arms to 3 posts slammed into the floor. There were several of the Ynnubs surrounding her. They were all breeding her day in and day out whenever they felt the urge. It made them all super productive.

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