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4. Ruler of harpies!

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symphony of changes: The Harpy Queen

on 2021-10-07 13:39:35

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Michelle wasn’t sure what had happened. Dean had changed into some kind of strange bird. He changed right in front of her. She was afraid she was somehow infected now given she had kissed him!

She had run to her house to at least wash herself. She removed all her clothes and quickly washed, taking some solace in the hopes that she had done the right thing. Though why was she so nervous? Something felt… odd. It was a song- inside her head. She was sure she could hear some kind of voice. “Who- Who’s there-” she started breathing heavily as she got out of the shower. Was she paranoid?

She stared at herself in the mirror. What if.. oh no.. “No!” she gasped. She appeared to be changing. Feathers quickly erupted around her body, hiding her breasts. They appeared to be a dusky brown colour. Though the worst part was when her hair suddenly became long- very long and a brilliant silvery white. She stared in horror but it felt like she was starting to get… less terrified?

What was happening? She could see her arms changing into wings… large feathers of brown with bright yellow eyes. She felt an odd push as her tail formed… then the talons. A kind of ‘hawk’ harpy girl looking back at her.

She closed her eyes.. hearing the strange music… it was like a dance that she had to do. It spoke to her gently. Suddenly, still naked she began to scrape and push against the door of the bathroom, quickly cutting the wood to shreds. She started to hunch up a little, taking note of her surroundings.

Michelle had...a task. An important task… she could feel it in her slightly hollowed out bones. Compelled she began to work on the outside door, taking her time to rotate the mechanism with her talons. It came almost instinctually as she finally found herself free, and high in the skies.

Her eyesight was amazing… as was the feeling of wind under her wings. She had to find.. someone. It didn’t take long before she saw him. His aura radiating like an aura. Her Quarrel...

A small crowd had gathered to hear the speech from one Malcolm Barrs

“Once I am elected, I can promise you more jobs!” Malcolm Was a rather ‘simple’ politician. He enjoyed the camera of course.. fortune, fame… it all came to him quite easily. He spoke to the crowds telling them everything they wanted to hear. “More money! More security! You’ll have it all! My record stands for itself. If I am wrong, then may an angel strike me down!” He quickly adjusted his suit-

Then suddenly he was gone. If anyone was quick enough to watch, they would have seen talons rip his shoulders, and suddenly take off in a gust of wind. That brief wind could be felt by the entire crowd as they looked around in disbelief.

Malcolm gasped as he struggled- briefly. Then he stared down at the ground now thousands of feet below him. He held on for dear life. “Who are you! W-what’s happening? What are you- who do you work for!”

Michelle didn’t answer. She was listening to the music. It felt so good! She could feel the love of her actions radiating.. she clenched her wings to go into a dive, as a strange portal suddenly seem to open up between the clouds. She pulled her talons closer to bring her quarry.

“AHHH!” screamed Malcolm.

Dean was struggling to contain all her emotions. It seemed like.. everyone was making decisions for her. Of course given she was just ‘a child’ now that was probably a given, but… she had only been a teenager just a few hours ago. To suddenly feel like she had lost this independence that she had only so recently took for granted.. Not to mention she had lost her freakin’ arms! She looked uncomfortable as she gave herself the most uncomfortable examination of her new body. The feathers were.. kind of pretty- at least if they were on a bird. Rusted red that seem to imply something a little more dangerous then it was.. though it was probably just decoration for some- some thing. She idly found herself wondering why the feathers were made in this way, examining the larger and smaller ones.. all arranged in curious patterns. Then there were the tail feathers- an absolute pain in the ass (almost literally) as she laid back against them.

Her talons looked sharp and perhaps even a little scary. It gave her some comfort that she was probably not as weak as she looked.. but did she honestly want to hurt people with them? These things were actual claws, and she knew they could be as sharp as knives.

Then all so quickly that rabbit girl had turned up… Jessica. Again decisions were being made for her as she explained she had some kind of weird ‘magic’ to fix things but.. not in the way she had hoped.

They left the hospital, with Dean in a large jacket to hide her feathers. “Can’t you give me some of that magic?”

“I used it all on that doctor,” Jessica said with a sigh. “Maybe I can make more later but your world doesn’t have all the things I need to do it. I’ll have to go back to mine.”

Ethan’s feathers looked all white. If anything she looked more recognizable as a dove… There was a certain ‘elegance’ to the way her wings folded giving a kind of regal look to her. Even though she was also right now trying to hide her new feathered arms in her own jacket. “How long are we going to be birds for?”

Jessica glanced slightly away at that. “… well… it depends.”

“So- we’re not stuck like this forever?!” Dean asked hopefully. “What do we gotta do to fix this!”

Jessica looked uneasily. “Look let’s just go back to the school and I’ll explain everything I know okay? I need to get to your alchemist lab to make more of this stuff.”

Ethan found herself looking at the rabbit-girl suspiciously. What happened that caused all this.. and for one thing… why was she a rabbit girl!

“How can you continue to work and study! You’re a bird!” Marty whined and looked like she was going to go crazy as she saw Yumi fixing the radio.

“Might as well figure out how these talons work,” The girl said with a shrug of her feathers. “Boy, it’s kinda weird. Though actually I can reach a lot further with them then I thought.” She angled her talon in a rather ‘awkward way’, looking at a screw driver. “How to do this by touch alone though is hard.”

Marty was still in hysterics. She was looking down at.. well.. at a rather ‘gorgeous’ babe if he ever saw one. She had quite huge boobs and it was like she had gotten a little older? She looked at her wings… Green feathers were her signature motif. She guessed she was like some kind of parrot.

“This voice is so weird- I just wish I could sound more like.. my.. self?” As she thought this her old voice started to return. “Testing- wow- I do sound like my normal self again!” She looked happy at this. “Testing.. Okay.. I wish I could look now more like myself… come on…”

Yumi glanced up and stared. “.. you do know parrots are great at mimicking sounds right? You’re only emulating your old voice.” She shook her head again as she tried to see if she could work her small phone. It was just as well it wasn’t a smart phone… she doubted her talons would work on a touch screen.

“No! I’m going to turn back- I sound like my old self again I just gotta-”

Yumi suddenly wing slapped the older girl. “Get a hold of yourself will you!” It didn’t hurt.. at all. It was literally just a brush of feathers but it was certainly a ‘weird’ feeling and it was enough for Marty to suddenly lose her concentration on her voice. “I’m sorry,” Yumi sighed. “But you being older ‘and’ freaking out is making me uncomfortable.”

“You’re uncomfortable? Have you seen what I’ve got on my chest?” She said.

Yumi looked up at her. “...yes. I think they look nice. You are very lucky.” The raven-haired girl found herself blushing. “In- in-any case, we are probably dealing with supernatural phenomenon.”

“Aliens!” Mary stated.


“No, aliens!” Marty insisted. “It’s got to be aliens. Think about it! This is how they invade us. They change our bodies making it impossible to fight back. They then use us as slaves!”

“… if they were doing that, wouldn’t they want to keep us fit and healthy?”

“… well… maybe they want us for.. for.. breeding.” Marty suddenly thought wide eyed. “Oh crap- alien birds turned us into girls and we’re gonna be-”

“...don’t make me slap you again Marty,” Yumi groaned. “I think if that was going to happen they would have taken us away in some spaceship by now. It’s got to be a supernatural manifestation. After all we’re ‘harpies’ … so… that’s from Earth Ancient Greece.. the link is there, not in the stars.”

Marty found herself calming down a little at that. “So.. why are you fixing the radio?”

“… I’m pretty sure the music is what changed us. Something in it. I could hear a voice… it was rather pleasant. I’m trying to isolate it from the recordings.”

“Maybe we should destroy it.. before anyone else turns into harpies.”

“It could change us back.” Yumi sighed. “Though I’m getting hungry and… we can’t exactly stay in the radio-room forever.”

“… I might. I’m not leaving here for people to stare at me as this freak!”

“You are not a freak Marty,” Yumi groaned again as she tapped on her phone. “Being a girl is NOT freaky.”

“Speak for yourself. At least you look the same. You just have wings and talons but you still look like you! Who are you texting? You can’t tell anyone about this! They’ll close down the school- the city- the country!”

“… Did turning part parrot make you pea-brained too?” Yumi asked matter of factly.

Soon there was a quick knock on the door.

Marty glanced out the small window… and her eyes widdened. “Oh come on- not her.”

“We’re dealing with the supernatural, that means magic so…”

“No.. no no no- Come on she’s nuts.”

“Come in Sarah. We are having some trouble with door knobs at the moment.”

The voice called out. “My name magic name is Lanira Luna-child!” As ‘Sarah’ came in… a rather ‘typical’ goth looking witch, with makeup and dark clothes. She even had a cloak and some kind of bag with star-symbols on it. She looked at the two harpy girls. Carefully she approached Yumi looking at the feathers.. but recognizing her face. She then looked at Marty. “Cool.” she said.

Marty glanced to Yumi. “… cool?”

Yumi shrugged. “… that’s just her way.” Either that or she was looking at Marty’s boobs.. something she didn’t want to consider. She looked back to Lanira. “So… as you can see, we turned into harpies.. and Marty there turned into a girl-Harpy.”

“” Lanira nodded.

Marty looked hopeful at this ‘expert’. “Right! We think it was because of some music or something from this radio. We were using it to try and catch the space-station.”

Lanira approached the radio, looking it over with her eyes. She then started to dig into her bag, taking out a small stick, and gave the radio a little tap. “… very cool.” She nodded. “So… why are you doing magic here? You should be in my club if you’re doing magic.”

Marty’s jaw dropped. “… that’s your first concern about all this?!”

“Well, I got to protect my interests. I’m a witch.” She said. “So.. yeah, I’ll just un-curse you if you join my club.”

“Can you really do that?” Marty asked. She wasn’t sure to really believe.

“Sure. I got a wand.” She smiled bringing out...

“..that’s a stick.” Marty sighed. This was just a delusion clearly.

“I will ignore that ignorant comment. So.. let’s see.” She moved her stick with impressive gusto. “In the name of the goddess of the Moon, The Earth Mother Gaia, and.. all manners of spirits! I request your power unto me, make me your vessel and remove this curse from my fellow Magic-club members!” She tapped Yumi’s head first.. with a light bonk- then she reached up and attempted to tap Marty…

...though by pure.. coincidence, the stick ended up between the new girl’s large breasts. She looked down in abject terror if not horror of it.

“Oops. Ah… well… that should work um-” She carefully pulled the stick away, making those breasts jiggle slightly much to Marty’s distress.

Marty tried to just.. forget about that weird contact. “You guess? Did that even do anything?!” Besides hurt her dignity. Marty was going nuts again. Why are they indulging in this crazy girl!

“Maybe we should play that music again,” suggested Lanira. “We get things back to exactly as they were.. and I can channel all the energy and leylines and stuff to turn you back to normal.” She smiled. “Yeah that’ll work.”

“I do have it recorded… I guess we can give it a try?” Yumi thought. “What do you think Marty?”

“I don’t want to get stuck like this.. sure, I’m willing to give it a go.”

Michelle landed on the ground…

“I hope you realise just how much trouble you are in- I’ll sue you- you’ll be sent to- huh?” Malcolm blinked as he dusted down his business suit. There were harpies… flying everwhere. They had appeared in some kind of strange castle. It almost looked like it was floating in the clouds. There were intricate holes carved into it where harpies could move in and out from, flying in almost every direction.

Michelle was staring.. suddenly it seemed like she knew where to go. She flew up, grabbing Malclm again.

“Ah! Let me go! I’ll give you anything you want please just let me go!” The man begged and pleaded.

Michelle went through one of the strange openings in the castle.. she knew to go left.. right.. flying easily through the air currents generated by the rocks in various places. Her quarry was a little fragile so she had to go slower. Then she arrived in some kind of throne room. Standing quite… casually was another harpy. She had rather distinctive feathers. She was singing softly, and stopped at the new harpy.

“Oh! A visitor?”

Malcolm stared at her.. and glanced at Michelle who had yet to stay a word. She The harpy started to kneel gently presenting Malcolm like he was some kind of offering.

“Ha! I haven't seen this in a few years- oh dear let me see. Hm..” She started to wave her hand in front of Michelle. “There you go dear, let’s bring you back.”

Michelle blinked. Whatever spell she was under.. suddenly started to fade. “Uh- AH! Where a I- who are you- where are my clothes!”

“Easy Easy girl!” The woman smiled. “I’m the Harpy Queen. It’s nice to meet you!” She giggled.

“H-Harpy Queen?!” Malcolm gulped. “Just what is it you want! Why did she bring me to you!”

“Good question. Eh, let’s have a look.” She gestured to her mirror as she gave a look again to Malcolm. “Says here your family made a pact a few thousand years ago for good fortune and power. Seems its time to collect!”

Michelle wasn’t quite sure what was happening. “I-’m outta here.” She tried to flee-

However the Harpy Queen raised her wing. “Stay.”

Michelle blinked. She- she couldn’t move! “What’s happening!”

“You’re a harpy, I’m the Harpy queen hun, you work that out.” She smiled vaguely as she looked over the magic mirror and at Malcolm’s ‘debt’. “What world are you from anyway?”


The harpy queen almost snorted. “W-what? Oh Guano!” She looked in a panic. “I got an Earth child here. I’m so screwed!” She rubbed her face with her wings. “Okay! Let’s.. uh.. let’s just send you back and no harm done right? We can keep this to ourselves.”

“No harm?! I’m a harpy! You turned my boyfriend into a bird!” Michelle shouted.

“Wait- there are other harpies? Am I gonna have to summon them here too?” She concentrated a moment. “Oh great.. five of you.” She looked unsettled. “Why Earth! There are rules about that world. Rules! Unless- does this mean we can now go back to Earth?!” she suddenly seemed excited at that. “Uh- you two can be my guests for now. I have to talk to the others about this.”

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