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123. Festival

122. Guardians Win

121. Guardians Vs Protectors 2

120. Attrition

119. Talking

118. Death Threat

117. Fraternal Order

116. Next Moves

115. Medics

114. More Exiles

113. The Escape

112. Sex Battle

111. Rescued

110. Captured

109. Back to the Shrine

108. Persistent

107. Omega Warrior

106. The Ambush

105. Ultimatum

104. Contracted Work

Epsilon and Alpha and Zeta

avatar on 2021-10-02 21:36:28

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As a result of the skirmish, the forums were all ablaze. Just as I thought, people were fed up with the overreach of Limerick Jill. Even the others Sages were affronted by her Protectors attacking people in their jurisdiction. I also did my best to stoke the flames of this. It got me some negative attention for having an alt account. It was not against the rules, per se, but it was frowned upon so early in the game. Others thought it was pretty cool that I was doing so much. I was the first Player to eat mermaid flesh after all. The rewards were so good, they had to patch a buff to the mermaids so they would not be so easy to kill them. Limerick Jill did not care about the pod near her island. The war with them also was a mark against me, but there was nothing that anyone could do about it. I was far away from the island and the reach of any kind of enforcement they could send my way. The glaring mismanagement went deep. As a result, she was forced to apologize and recall her Omega Warriors to her island. It was a great victory over an invasion. The shrine threw a festival in celebration of the win.

Being a main player in this win, I was celebrated as well. They gave me a lot of accolades and encouragement. I went around and partied with everyone. Zeta pulled me aside and took me to where Alpha and Epsilon were. The cross-dressing Protector-Black Ops wanted to thank me for bringing them here. It was their opinion that they needed to reward me with some comfort. There was no way that I was going to turn that down. Sex with Zeta felt great. Of course I wanted another round. Zeta had told the others how I was able to get him off during the crusade. Neither of them believed him. I told them that it was true. "No way! I don't mind lending you my ass, but there's no way you'd be able to make me cum in my prime." Alpha snorted. Epsilon gave me a quick look over and seemed to agree. Zeta just looked at me. "Do not let me down, Canan. If you can't get them off, I'll look like a quick trigger." he said. It was true. Alpha and Epsilon were depowered, making it easier to wow them. Alpha was first, then Epsilon and Zeta. I used my hands to get them off and they were all satisfied.

Conquering them sexually was the best I could hope for. Lord knew that I'd probably never be able to best Zeta in an actual fight. They could not believe that I did it. I just shrugged and teased them about it. It was then that I was told that they did not have the ability to do the reach around. It just was not in their coding. Alpha tried to do it to me, but he could not bring himself to do it. It gave him a large migraine. I held him and we spooned for a bit. I was the big spoon. "Do not treat me like glass, Canan. I can still kick your ass- even with a headache." I said "I know that. Just go with it." Alpha grumbled and broke out of my grasp. I sighed and let him go. As the leader, he knew his own mind he and was not going to be coddled. Epsilon, on the other hand, was more than comfortable scooping me up into the little spoon position. "You're fine with this then, right?" he teased. I just looked over my shoulder at him and nodded. He did not look like he was expecting that response from me. Epsilon did indulge me for about 10 minutes. He then moved on top of me for another round. I let him ride me.

It was no surprise that he was a carbon copy of Zeta and the others. Epsilon was fair skinned like the Special Ops members, but the freckles on their shoulders and back were able to draw my attention. I reached up to grab at his sides. I ran my hands up and down his back to revel in how soft and supple it was. "Is that your favorite part of me? My back?" he asked with curiosity. He was going up and down at his own easy pace. He was going for his own amusement more than for sexual gratification. I nodded and said "You're really... pretty, Epsilon." I knew Zeta did not really care for that. He found it belittling. Epsilon just stopped his hips and said "Keep touching me if you want. Calling me pretty is a bit much though." There was a faint blush on his face when he said it though. The others had teasing expressions on their faces. I was getting closer so I did my reach around again. I came first, but I made sure that he got off again as well. "Alright. I'll give it to you, Canan. You're the real deal." he said. "I wish I was at my prime. I'd love competing with you." Alpha said. We laid down together.

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