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7. Larry's First Victims

6. Next Morning at Jon's House

5. Making Some Programming Change

4. Larry Nadish

3. Hostile Takeover

2. A wish for something interesti

1. You Are What You Wish

Larry's First Victims

on 2015-12-07 21:19:20

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While Larry Knew that Jon and Karyn both had to be dealt with in the near future

he decided to have some fun with his Nano-bots first and Convert some new Robo-


As Larry walked down the hallway he noticed Sarah Macmillan and her boyfriend

Biff Meadows sneak into a broom closet, most likely to feel each other up before

class started. Both Biff and Sarah routinely bullied him and he thought that it

would be the perfect revenge to Convert both of them into members of his robotic

slave army. When the hallways cleared of students Larry moved towards the closet

and kicked the door in surprising the half nude students.

"What the Fuck are you doing!" Screamed Sarah as she tried to cover her medium

b-cup breasts.

Yeah dude what the fuck!" yelled Biff as he advanced towards Larry with the

intent to punch him only to be stopped as Larry grabbed his fist and through him

to the ground.

"You two have bullied me enough" growled Larry "now its time for you to learn

your true purpose in life. Serving me as my Robo-Slaves."

Biff and Sarah watched in Horror as Larry's cloths dissolved and his skin became

a metallic grey color. Then all of a sudden Larry held up his hand towards Biff

and shot several spider-like nanobots at it. The nanobots began to enter Biff

through his mouth and ears as they began to change him. First Biffs skin color

began to change to the same metallic grey as Larry as his cloths began to

dissolve. As Biff convulsed on the ground Sarah watched in horror as Biff lost

all of his muscles and several inches in height. Than he began to grow small

breasts,and to Sarah's dismay Biffs cock lost much of it's girth and length. She

even spied what seemed to be a pussy nestled behind Biffs balls. Finally Biffs

eye color changed to bright green signalling that the mental changes were

complete and that Biff was now Larry's robotic slave.

The New Biff immediately knelt before Larry and said in his new feminine voice

"I am prepared to serve you Master please forgive this unit for it's past

actions against your greatness."

Sarah watched in horror has her boyfriend was turned into a femboy Robo-Slave.

"Oh God Biff what did he do to you?" a shocked and terrified Sarah asked her

robotizied boyfriend.

"Master has bestowed on me a great gift. The gift of obedience and servitude.

You too will feel the pleasure of being Converted into one of Masters Slaves."

Replied an excited and visually aroused Biff. "Master may I please Convert Sarah

I will be honored to do this for you."

"Of course Slave" Larry than mentally updated the nanobots programming to allow

his Robo-Slaves to implant nanobots into new Slaves through their cocks.

Biff than jumped on Sarah and ripped off her pants. Than he thrust his slender

cock into her vagina releasing nanobots into her body. Sarah screamed in terror,

but soon her screams became those of pleasure as she began to Convert. Like

Biff, Sarah's skin became a metallic grey. Next her breasts grew from her

average b-cups to large double dd's. Then a large metallic cock sprouted from

above her pussy. Finally her eyes became a bright green signalling that her

conversion was complete.

Both Sarah and Biff than stood up and knelt before their master. "Master please

forgive this unit for it's reluctance to Convert and become your Slave." the

newly robotizied Sarah pleaded.

"You are forgiven Slave." replied Larry. "Now I want the both of you to return

to my home and wait for me their. Remember to stay hidden it is not time to

reveal ourselves yet."

"Yes Master" Said the newly enslaved Biff and Sarah reverently.

(Authors Note: Hi I'm new here and I just wanted to invite everyone to add episodes to my stories whenever they want. I am going around the sight looking for stories that seem good or interesting, but are abandoned and updating them. I invite everybody to update my stories update interesting abandoned stories, or send me ideas or criticisms for my branches. Thanks!-Nooks)

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