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6. Next Morning at Jon's House

5. Making Some Programming Change

4. Larry Nadish

3. Hostile Takeover

2. A wish for something interesti

1. You Are What You Wish

Next Morning at Jon's House

on 2015-12-07 18:55:30

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Jon woke up the next morning still worried about the wish he made. He had no idea

what the Stone changed only that he knew something had changed, and that it would

be hard to reverse because of the stones rules. Jon quickly got dressed and went

down for breakfast.

As Jon was waking to school he was still thinking about what his ambiguous wish

changed when he noticed Karyn leaving her house. Jon waved to her and they began

to walk to school together.

"Karyn I think I made a bad wish." Jon said nervously.

"What did you do Jon?" Karyn scolded.

"I wished for something interesting to happen, but I have no idea what the Stone


"Damn it Jon! That thing is dangerous. You have no idea what it could have


"I know Karyn here let me use the Stone to find out what I did... God damn it I

must of left the Stone at home." Jon cursed.

"Well its to late to go back for it now." Karyn said as they entered their high

school. "Lets just hope that nothing to bad has happened."

Just then Larry Nadish, the computer geek, walked passed them. Instead of being

the overweight nerd that they knew though Larry was now extremely handsome and


"Well Jon you must of changed Larry into a hunk." said Karyn.

"I don't know Karyn remember you shouldn't notice a difference because you

didn't hear the wish. Larry's changes might only be a side effect of the

actually wish.

Unknown to both Jon and Karyn Larry heard their conversation and knew that both

of them were threats that he must deal with soon so that he could complete his

plan of world domination.

(Authors Note: Hi I'm new here and I just wanted to invite everyone to add episodes to my stories whenever they want. I am going around the sight looking for stories that seem good or interesting, but are abandoned and updating them. I invite everybody to update my stories update interesting abandoned stories, or send me ideas or criticisms for my branches. Thanks!-Nooks)

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