"I have no idea," Karyn said. "As far as I know, the reallocation program doesn't have anything to do with changing people. But, you know, I wasn't really paying a whole lot of attention."
"I don't want to change!" Trevor yelled, right before they dragged him out of the school.
They got him into the back of a police car before either of them spoke to him. "Sorry, son. But I'm told your parents volunteered you for reallocation," he said. "You'll be better off."
"Better off? Fuck you."
"Look, kid. You have every right to be upset that your parents disowned you."
"They volunteered to adopt a new teenager in exchange for disowning you."
"They wouldn't do that."
"Well, that's what I'm told happened, son. I wasn't there." They pulled up to a building. "This is the research center."