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7. Elf Nation

6. Strange Solar Activity: Azure

5. Strange Solar Activity

4. Allignment of the stars

3. Jon sleeps on it.

2. A wish for something interesti

1. You Are What You Wish

Queen of the Tuatha De Danaan

on 2018-04-21 18:18:55
Episode last modified by Great Sage on 2018-05-01 12:46:49

1447 hits, 78 views, 2 upvotes.

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I'm going with a variation on previous branches where Zoe becomes a Drow, I wanted to try some different stuff

Jon turned around to see a vision of unearthly perfection; tall, lithe, with curves in all the right places. She had long, thick white hair with a natural wave to it, framing a delicately formed face with full lips, high cheek bones and a narrow chin, the skin was an ash grey colour and the eyes were almond shaped and ruby red. Peeking through her hair a pair of pointed ears could just be seen.
Her garb consisted of strange looking armour, bluish , highly polished metal and oddly iridescent leather arranged in somewhat scant armour favoured by females in fantasy settings according to some artists. Across her shoulders she had a quiver and a large, black and silver war bow and in her right hand she had a strange staff weapon with crescent shaped blades at either end.

Jon stared until the beautiful girl snarled at him, her eyes blazing

"Jon, you fucking perv! I'm your sister, stop staring at me like that!"

"Shit" Sorry Zoe, it's just you're so...I mean, well...uh... you have seen yourself , right?
"Relax Bro, I get it, calm the fuck down will you? I suppose I can't blame you for not recognising me" she chuckled.
I woke up and went to the window to draw back the curtains, before I knew what happened Kazaam! Insta-Elf! "

"Well. given the skin colour, I think you must be a drow" said Jon
"Well, Duh! she retorted, you know perfectly well I play a drow sorceress in that MMORPG you persuaded Athena and I to join with you, now, remind me Jon exactly what do you play in that game...mmmmh?

Jon mumbled something, somewhat defensively
"I'm sorry Jon, my hearing is excellent, I'm sure you didn't say Hawt Elf babe, so care to try again...?

"OK, I play Caliendria, High Elf Warrior Mage - happy now?" Jon's face was scarlet with embarrassment.

"Relax dummy, we ALL played Elf babes, remember? That was the whole joke! I don't judge you for wanting to be a girl, you know - anyway, enough of this , have you checked on Mikey yet?"

Jon felt a rush of panic as he ran towards his little brother's room, just as he and Zoe got there they heard a girlish scream come from within, it was oddly melodious, almost more like singing.In his concern for his brother Jon did a very stupid thing, he opened the door and ran in, the first thing he saw was the gorgeous blonde sitting on Mikey's bed, she had long silken hair arranged in a complex style on her head, her clothing combined scanty with ornate, a variety of shades of green and gold and purple accents, she had silvery jewellery on her, coils wrapped around her slender arms with filigree coppery coloured knot-work etched into the surface, a necklace similar to those he had seen on ancient Egyptians with many coloured precious metals and stones forming a complex pattern drawing attention to her bounteous breasts, easily double Ds. her lovely eyes were the colour of green jade, with golden flecks like the spiral arms of the galaxy arranged around her pupils, lying on the bed beside her was a magnificent musical instrument, a twelve stringed Lute- like instrument made from different coloured wood which formed a strange and compelling pattern on it's surface. This lovely girl was staring at her chest and waving her dainty, long fingered hands in the air, Jon noticed she wore copper coloured rings with ivory plucking hooks on them on the right hand.
Jon took all of this loveliness in in a second, the next thing he became aware of was that he was standing right in the middle of a patch of Azure light.

"Oh Shi....." Jon started to say when he felt a surge of energy flow through him, he felt his body shifting and changing,

work in progress, more to follow

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