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9. woof

8. Back at Jon's House...

7. Meanwhile, at Karyn's... (alt)

6. Strange Solar Activity: Azure

5. Strange Solar Activity

4. Allignment of the stars

3. Jon sleeps on it.

2. A wish for something interesti

1. You Are What You Wish

Azure Sun: A Howl of Approval for Mikey

on 2013-07-20 13:06:18

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The first thing Jon noticed was the hair. The creature in front of him was completely covered in a silvery grey coat of fur. It looked like it had once been smooth and sleek, but it was all ruffled up now and large patches appeared to have been torn out, revealing the normal pink skin beneath.

As the beast (Mikey, Jon told himself. This is Mikey.) struggled to its feet, it wasn't difficult to see why it didn't find this task easy. About the only thing his legs had in common with human legs was the fact that they were as long as they had been when Mikey was a human, although they were disproportionally small when compared to the rest of his new body. In both structure and appearance they looked almost identical to wolf legs. Shortened things and lengthened shins, even his feet had been warped into a combination of human and dog that gave him a wide enough base to stand on but he seemed more comfortable perched on the balls of his feet.

The shape of his torso appeared to be mostly the same, only larger, but Jon didn't think the greater increase in size of Mikey's chest was just caused by an extra thick layer of hair. Mikey's arms were similarly larger, with biceps, triceps, and a bunch of other muscles Jon couldn't remember the names for bulging visibly even through the fur. The hands were almost the same as his old hands except for on important detail: instead of fingernails, they now ended in wickedly curved, one inch long claws.

It's Mikey's face, Jon thought, that really got the brunt of the change. It was only by consciously reminding himself, This is my little brother, that he was even able to stand to look at it. It made Jon think of a painting where the painter had started off trying to make a human face, but had changed his mind and decided to go with wolf halfway through. Although his eyes were still human-shaped, they were a wolffish yellow. His nose had elongated into a dog-like snout, but his mouth was still normal, albeit with almost no lips. Mikey's ears were now triangles perched on the top of his head, but what concerned me the most was the mad glint in his wolf eyes that seemed to speak of the killing rage he could go on at any minute, even Mikey ever lost control.

Suddenly Jon realized the real problem with this changed sun. It wasn't what people would turn into; it was what they wouldn't. Mikey could tear him apart without blink with just a few swipes of those claws, and he was fairly certain Zoe knew how to use that staff thing. It became imperative to him that he get into the sunlight as fast as possible, just so he could survive. He didn't care what he transformed into, just as long as it could stand its own against the likes of his brother and sister. (It didn't occur to him at the time that with the stone he was basically invincible; then again, he also didn't know what had happened to the stone after completing such a big wish)

Mikey only stood there for a second, giving both of his siblings horrified looks, before he turned tail (quite literally, as he now had a fury grey one sticking out for between his legs) and ran back into his room. Zoe and Jon took off after him, but Zoe stopped just inside the door when she saw what had happened. It seemed fairly obvious that Mikey hadn't been taking his transformation well: lamps were knocked over, books ripped off the shelves and transformed into mulch, the mattress and shears had been shredded so everything was covered in white fluff.

Jon kept running. Mikey had hidden behind his bed, and the path towards it was right through the blue sunlight shining in through his open window, so Jon knew he could fain and accident if anyone accused him of doing it intentionally. Zoe, noticing where Jon was headed, called out a warning, but it was "too late." Jon "stumbled to a stop" just inside the light, and managed to put on a mask of surprise even as inwardly he was smiling.

There was this great rumbling noise, but it didn't look like Zoe or Mikey heard it because they didn't react. Then all of a sudden Jon felt, something pouring into him. It took a moment for him to figure out that it was shear magical energy, filling his body up until it began to push at the seams. Just when Jon was worried he was going to explode, his body responded, growing larger and larger to contain the force. Jon, thinking furiously the entire time, began to try to work out what he was changing into. Then it hit him. *Gods, at least the Greek gods, are powerfully magical, and they were usually portrayed as being larger than normal people. Could I be...*But then another thought came to him. Goddesses are the same way...

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