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8. Back at Jon's House...

7. Meanwhile, at Karyn's... (alt)

6. Strange Solar Activity: Azure

5. Strange Solar Activity

4. Allignment of the stars

3. Jon sleeps on it.

2. A wish for something interesti

1. You Are What You Wish

Zoe's New Look

on 2013-07-19 21:26:37

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"Jon, what's going on?" asked a melodious and devastatingly beautiful voice from behind him.

Jon slowly turned around, almost afraid to see which of his sibling's had been changed by the sunlight, and when his eyes caught sight of the figure, he couldn't help but stare in stupefied shock and wonder. Standing in the middle of the hall in front of his sister Zoe's door, was one of the prettiest woman he'd ever seen. She had long white hair down to her shoulders, a stunning face with piercing ruby red eyes - one of which was covered by her white bangs - a dainty nose, and lusciously full lips. Poking out of her snowy tresses were long pointed ears, though with how thick her hair was it was hard to see them. Her skin was colored an ashy grey-black and it was perfectly smooth, with no irregularities or imperfections.

She was tall, standing a good foot taller than him. Her age appeared to be somewhere around in her twenties, and Jon thought that just added more to her beauty. From what he could see, she had a perfect hourglass figure; with slender shoulders, large bountiful grapefruit sized breasts, a slender, trim and toned waist, and wide flaring hips leading into long supple and toned legs. And over this, in Jon's opinion, voluptuous body she wore the strangest, and sexiest, armor he'd seen so far. Around her slender throat she wore a black silk choker inlaid with diamonds and silver with three loops of silver chain dangling from it. Over her shoulders she wore polished steel pauldrons, with black gems inlaid in the center of each. Her right arm was covered in a skin tight sleeve of black silk, and both of her forearms were encased in bracers of the polished steel as the pauldrons, these were also inlaid with large black gems over the wrist. The sleeve on the right arm continued under the bracer and tapered down until it looped around her ring finger, where a ring with a black gem held it in place.

Her breastplate covered only her breasts, leaving the rest of her torso bare for all to see and were held in place by black leather straps that crisscrossed both above and below her breasts. Over her hips she wore what looked like a combination of a metal and silk bikini and silk and leather half skirt. The full length skirt covered her rear and hips where it was strapped to the front of the metal front of the bikini, exposing a good majority of her legs and waist area. Black leather and steel plated knee-high boots encased her lower legs. And to finish up her outfit, the woman held a long two-handed staff in her hands, with two pairs of curved blades forming crescents on both ends of the staff. In the middle of the staff was a metal contraption that looked to able the staffs user to separate the staff into two single-handed short staffs.

Jon was startled from his observing when the woman spoke to him in the beautiful voice of hers, only it now held a not of irritation. He shook himself out of his daze and looked at her pretty face that was now frowning at him. 'Are her eyes glowing?' Jon questioned internally as he looked closer at her one visible eye to see that, yes it was indeed glowing. And the glow seemed to be growing brighter the longer he stared at her.

"Uh, sorry about that," Jon apologized as he finally realized he'd been staring to long and hadn't said anything yet. "I didn't catch what you said, could you please repeat that miss?"

This seemed to only make her even angrier, if her brightly glowing red eyes was any indication. That and her hands tightening their grips on the staff were another clue.

"I said stop staring at me like a pervert Jon!" she growled through her teeth, "I'm your sister you bastard!"

Hearing her cussing like it was a normal thing for her to do caused Jon to do a double take and look at her face closer. If he ignored the beauty and the maturity that had been added to her features, Jon was able to make out a face that he immediately should have recognized from the start.

"Zoe!? That's... What happened... What are you?" He asked and exclaimed at the same time, an expression of horrified shock on his face. 'I can't believe I was just checking my own sister out! My younger goth sister! What the hell's wrong with me!?'

As if she was able to hear his thoughts, though it was her brother's expression that said it all really, Zoe snickered as her frown turned into a smirk and her eyes dimmed back to their original ruby red as she finally calmed down. She couldn't really stay mad at her older brother for what he did, hell she'd probably do the same thing if she was in his situation. Her expression immediately grew serious once Jon managed to pull himself from his thoughts.

"To answer your question: I don't know how I was transformed into this. All I know is, is that I had just woke up and went to the window to see why the sunlight seemed so strange and when I pulled the curtain aside, I began to change." Zoe said as she glanced down at the staff she held in her hands, observing her dark colored skin against the dark wood.

"Well, there's something on the news..." Jon began, trying to seem like he really had no idea what was going on or what caused all this. "Something about the sun shining a different color, they're calling it the azure sun, and they say that the light is turning every person and animal it comes in contact with into something mythical or from fantasy. Heck, they even showed a clip from earlier in the day where one of their reporters and the camera crew turned into a Naga, an Elf, a Dwarf, and a Centauress."

Zoe's ruby eyes glanced at him through her white fringe. "So, you're saying that I was turned into a mythical creature?" At her brother's nod, Zoe turned toward the mirror hanging in the hall and looked herself over. "Hmm, let's see: white hair, long pointed ears, darkly colored skin, and red eyes... Ah, I know! I'm a Drow!"

"A what?" Jon asked.

"A Drow. It's a type of Dark Elf that usually likes living in dark places and very rarely ever go out in the daylight, though they can travel by day if they either want to or feel like they have to." Zoe replied, seeming to be very knowledgeable on this topic. "They are very skilled in magic and because of that they are believed to be evil, as it is assumed because of their lifestyle and..."

Zoe trailed off when she finally turned to face Jon and realized that she had been rambling, if her brother's amazed and dazed stare was anything to go by. Jon quickly shook himself and focussed his attention back on Zoe.

"Wow, that was the longest I've ever heard you speak without saying something fowl or demeaning," Jon started, causing Zoe's cheeks to gain a hint of red in embarrassment. He then continued, "First question: How do you know all of that? Wait, before you answer that, let me ask you this: Do I really want to know?"

Zoe's sheepish smile turned into a frown and she glared at him with glowing eyes.

"Jeeze Jon! It's nothing bad I swear," Zoe grumbled out. "I'm not like Athena, who believes creatures like this actually exist, before today!" She stated as Jon was about to interject. "I learned about these things from that online game I've been playing. My character's a female Drow sorceress..." Zoe said the last part in a lower tone, as her cheeks once again gained a red tinge.

"Okay, I believe you," Jon said as he raised his hands in a placating gesture. "Just don't do that with your eyes please, it freaks me out."

Zoe glanced back into the mirror and her cheeks grew even redder before her eyes returned to normal once more. "Sorry, I didn't know."

Jon sighed, "It's fine, Zoe, really. I'm just not used to the idea that my sister is no longer human, for now I hope," Jon muttered the last bit to himself. He then looked back at Zoe and smiled, "I'm just glad that you are still you and that you haven't gone all medieval on me yet, like they did on the news. Now, I think we should check on Mikey and see if anything has happened to him yet."

Just as he'd finished saying that sentence, there was a loud Groan! followed by a Thump! that came from Mikey's room, startling both Jon and Zoe at the unexpectedness of the sounds. Jon suddenly felt a sinking feeling in his stomach.

"Oh, no..." he muttered as he jogged over to his little brother's room, Zoe behind him, and knocked on the door. "Mikey? Are you alright? What happened?"

The was a few seconds of silence before the heard movement from behind the door. "Jon? I-I don't feel very well, so don't come in!"

Both Jon and Zoe stared at each other in confusion. That didn't even sound like Mikey, not even close. Jon swallowed as he gripped the doorknob.

"Mikey, don't panic, but I think me and Zoe know what happened to you. We're coming in now," Jon said as he turned the knob and began to push on the door.

Just as the door began to open, something heavy and strong slammed the door closed and leaned against it, keeping both Jon and Zoe from entering.

"No! I mean it! I really don't feel well right now!" exclaimed the voice that was supposedly Mikey once more. "I don't want to be bothered!"

Just as Jon was giving up on trying to get into Mikey's room, there was a loud Crack! from the wooden doorframe, followed by many more, when the door suddenly broke free of it's hinges and started to fall to the floor, and toward Jon as well. Zoe quickly leapt out of the way, gabbing onto Jon's shoulder at the last second and pulled him from the doors path. The door slammed against the wood floor loudly, causing all those there to wince. Jon and Zoe were the first to recover, and when they looked up at Mikey, they got the shock of their lives...

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