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7. Meanwhile, at Karyn's... (alt)

6. Strange Solar Activity: Azure

5. Strange Solar Activity

4. Allignment of the stars

3. Jon sleeps on it.

2. A wish for something interesti

1. You Are What You Wish

Karyn's Morning

on 2013-07-19 18:11:14

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Karyn groaned as she pulled her hand off the alarm clock and sat up, rubbing sleep from her tired eyes. She'd hardly slept a wink last night, it was basically impossible with her newly enhanced breasts sitting heavily on her chest. She brushed her long blonde locks from her face as she stretched, raising her arms over her head and arching her back, causing it to pop and crack in a few places. Karyn winced. That was another thing, the weight of her bigger assets were killing her back. 'Man, I wish I could just go back to sleep, I'm so tired. No! Come on, wake up Karyn! Get up and get yourself to school so Jon-boy can fix this!' Karyn internally yelled.

With a firm nod of determination, Karyn shoved away her covers, revealing her tight and straining sleepwear; a pink tank-top and a pair of white panties. She swung her legs over the side and stood up, stretching once more, before walking over to the window, her breasts bouncing with each step. She threw open the curtains, expecting to feel the warmth of normal radiant sunlight, but instead had to shield her eyes as she was almost blinded by bright blue light.

"Gah! What the heck? What's wrong with the sun?" yelped Karyn as she threw her hand in front of her eyes, stumbling back a few steps.

It was then that Karyn suddenly felt a painful tremor run through her body. She doubled over, clutching her sides as another, stronger, tremor followed the first one, when she felt a pressure against her chest. Karyn glanced down and nearly shrieked as she watched her already big DD-cup's swell even bigger. Her top strained even more as a few tears and rips formed along the seams under her armpits as the hemline began shifting upwards, exposing her waist. The feeling of her spine elongating hurt so much that it caused her to gasp and arch her back, just as her breasts, now large E-cup's, burst free of the increasingly constricting tank-top, before settling heavily on her chest. Karyn's eyes watered as every single one of her muscles burned like she'd just completed a full body workout, even her bones ached.

Then, with a great body-shaking tremor, Karyn shot up a few inches in height. Every five seconds, her body grew taller in spurts, inch by inch, as her muscles toned and grew and her bones thickened and lengthened. Her panties strained against her widening hips and increasingly toned and shapely rear, looking more like a thong than what they really were. Still she continued to grow, quickly passing six feet and was now flying through seven. Her body continued to fill out as she grew; her muscles growing visibly toned, but not too much to detract from her increasing curves.

By the time Karyn reached and passed eight feet, the torn remains of her top began to glow a bright white light, as did her struggling panties. They seemed to melt, losing shape and started to grow and change. Karyn's growth finally stopped when she reached ten feet, just as her head hit the ceiling. She moaned as she knelt down and rubbed the tender spot on her head, wincing at the pain. It was then that Karyn realized that her body had stopped growing and glanced down, and immediately screamed when she saw herself and what she was wearing. Her breasts, now huge F-cups, were held by two crisscrossing leather straps that barely covered anything. Draped over the straps, breasts and her shoulders was a white shawl like garment held by a golden clasp on her right shoulder. Leather and metal bracers encircled her forearms. Looking lower, and having to lean forward to see past her bosom, Karyn observed that she now wore a loin cloth that was made of a brown furred animal hide with a metal plate at her waist and around her feet she wore a pair of leather hide boots that reach knee high and were bound to her legs by strips of canvas cloth.

Continuing on with her examination, Karyn concluded that she was tall, like Amazon tall, and strong. And besides her breasts having gained a few cup sizes, her hips had widened, her muscles had toned and seemed to ripple under her skin with every move she made, especially on her slender and toned waist. Flexing her arms, Karyn was startled with how big and hard her biceps were and when she lifted her legs she nearly shivered at the power she felt in her thick strong thighs. Her smooth and taut skin also seemed to have gained a gold-brown shade of tan and when she pulled her hair in front of her face, Karyn noticed that it was longer, silkier, fuller, sleeker and the color had lightened to a platinum blonde.

"W-what happened to me?" Karyn stuttered out in a slightly deeper and huskier version of her voice.

Feeling a weight on her back that she hadn't noticed until now, she reached over her shoulder and drew a massive claymore. The blade was a good six feet long, with a ten inch wide base, the same width as the hand-guard of the handle she held in her hand. The handle was made of gold inlaid steel, with a wrapped leather handgrip and a sapphire jeweled pommel. After staring at the sword for a few seconds longer Karyn finally replaced the blade on her back, in an instinctive and reflexive manner like she had done that maneuver many times before.

Karyn slowly pulled herself up into a standing position, though she had to hunch over as the ceiling was now much to low for her. She glanced around at her now much smaller room, confused and puzzled at what had happened that had turned her into a ten foot tall Amazon. A glint of blue light from the bracer on her left arm caught her eye and brought her attention to the Azure colored sunlight coming in through the window.

'Could it be that I was transformed because of the color of the sunlight?' The Amazon mussed to herself. She was about to take a step toward the window when her bedroom door swung opened so fast that it met the wall with a loud Bang! and Karyn's mother, Bethany Black, entered the room.

"Karyn, what's wron-Karyn!? What happened to you!?" She exclaimed when she caught sight of her now larger daughter and stepped toward her and forward into the rectangle of light from the window.

"Wait! Mom, no! Don't step into the light!" Karyn cried, as she made to move toward her mother and push her from the sun's blue rays. She had only made it two strides toward Ms. Black when she saw her mother suddenly stiffen and clutch at herself. The last thing Karyn saw as she reached her mother's side, was her seemingly growing younger and then explode out of her clothes as she rapidly shot up height... and her mother's fist toward her face as she swung her arms out in fright... then every thing went dark...

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