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6. Strange Solar Activity: Violet

5. Strange Solar Activity

4. Allignment of the stars

3. Jon sleeps on it.

2. A wish for something interesti

1. You Are What You Wish

It's a 'Galaxy Far, Far Away' out there

on 2010-06-04 13:18:19
Episode last modified by Noy2222 on 2018-03-06 08:43:23

4410 hits, 143 views, 0 upvotes.

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"Exposure to the violet rays of the sun turn people into...," the reporter paused for a second as he read the prompter again, "Are you sure?" another pause, "It appears the violet sun turns people into alien races from Star Wars," explained the reporter, who had a shocked and curious expression on his face. "Our reporters have confirmed this through... firsthand experience."

A blond reporter with a microphone appeared on the screen beneath the words "Earlier This Morning". She pointed up at the violet sun with her free hand. Her skin appeared to be violet, but that was because of the unusual light, at first. Her fingers and then her hand followed by rest of her arm and body, suddenly became a light purple color and smooth while her fingernails lengthened until they ended in points. Then her face changed, becoming a more beautiful version of itself; Cheek bones became more prominent, Her nose became dainty, lips puffed into an adorable pout, eyes became almond shaped while eyelashes lengthened. The reporter stood there for a few seconds staring at her purple skin, when she suddenly froze and reached a hand for her blonde hair.

When she pulled it back into her vision, a fist full of hair came with it. She let out a scream, revealing now pointed teeth in her mouth, as she dropped the strands from her hand, which was quickly followed by the rest of her hair on her head. The now distraught reporter stared down at the ground with tears in her...golden eyes? She suddenly winced in pain and she grabbed her head as she let out another scream. Two tentacle like protrusions shot out from the back of her head and continued to grow till they reached mid back. It was now clear which race she was turning into: a Twi Lek. The reporter released her head and gently pulled one of her Lekku over her shoulder so she could get a better look at it.

As she did that, her body suddenly grew 6 inches, making her new height a tall 6'1". Her breasts then began to grow from small B's to big D's, bursting her bra and the few top buttons on her blouse. This was followed by her waist narrowing and her thighs thickening, hips widening and rear inflating. Her clothing then began to change. First her ruined blouse tightened, darkened and shrank until it became a black bikini top, that exposed her valley of cleavage and her slim, toned waist. The black knee length skirt then tightened and the hemline shrank till it reached mid thigh and two slits appeared on each side. Her black 2-inch heeled shoes changed into black knee high boots with 3-inch stacks. On her face appeared silver lipstick, silver eyeliner, and her eyebrows now looked like tattoos. A black leather headdress appeared on her head, metal cone-like shapes covered her ears.

The light purple Twi Lek female reporter stood there in shock for a minute and then she bent down to pick the mic. up, showing off her cleavage some more. When she stood back up, her eyes no longer were filled with shock and fear, they now showed confidence and lust. When she spoke, it was in her native language and in a deep beautiful and sultry voice, but for some reason she could be understood. "This is reporter Ani'kita, reporting live from downtown, back to you Thomas."

"What are we going to do?" asked Jon's father Mark. "We can't hide in here forever. We need food, among other things. There's enough in the refrigerator to last us..." Mark looked at his wife questioningly.

"One day," stated Linda. "I was supposed to go shopping today! But if I leave, I'll... change..."

Jon ran up the stairs back to his bedroom. If the stone somehow changed the world, maybe it can change it back! he thought.

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