Sarah's parents had never been particularly involved in ensuring she got to school every day. So, they didn't notice that she hadn't gone to school at the time she normally did. She began to pick things up and put them away, mumbling Spanish vocabulary to herself.
She took a break and headed to her computer. Breaking out her credit card, she found an online dialect coach to help her master the accent. That would really help her up her game. She scheduled multiple sessions that week. Then she headed downstairs to get something to eat and found Miss Fine there, talking to Ada. The woman paused as she entered. "Sarah, I did not know you were here. Why don't you join us?"
Sarah suddenly looked up from the dirty plates in front of her. Hadn't she been talking to Miss Fine? She must have been distracted. She picked up the dirty dishes and dumped the crumbs in the trash, then pre-rinsed the dishes and placed them in the dishwasher before going back to her room. When she got there, she found Ada on her computer, working with the dialect coach she'd hired. She was about to complain, when she realized that it would certainly help her understand what Ada was saying. So she went to make the bed before resuming her Spanish lesson.
Outside, Miss Fine smiled. Sarah was an excellent subject. Sarah was someone who when she wanted to do something, she put all her focus on was very easy to focus her determination elsewhere.