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851. Iridescent Sun: Jeff confesses

850. A whole lot of information get

849. Cass Talks to Jon and to Sider

848. Iridescent Sun: Jeff and the m

847. Iridescent Sun: The Kira theor

846. Sider Is Relevant Again!

845. Iridescent Sun: Change for the

844. Iridescent Sun: sunsistent

843. Lucas Sees a Pattern...

842. Nothing portentious here, nosi

841. Iridescent Sun: Jeff reflects

840. Iridescent Sun: Jenny's odd fr

839. Iridescent Sun: Useless transf

838. Iridescent Sun: Run Jeff Run

837. Iridescent Sun: Is that me?

836. Iridescent Sun: Doing good is

835. Jon gets home later than she i

834. Iridescent Sun: The start of m

833. Anne and Belle have a talk...

832. Iridescent Sun: Jeff and the G

Iridescent Sun: Jeff confesses

on 2013-03-05 22:25:37

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Jeff looked at the memaid as they talked. Rita was... a very brave person, he thought. However as they talked, he started to think more and more about Belle, and the others who's lives had been effectively destroyed by this sunlight. Rita should be more angry about this, rather then how she was treated after by him. After all... she wouldn't have been treated that way if she had not changed in the first place... right?

It all boiled down to the sunlight! That... stupid stupid sunlight!

Finally Jeff stood up. "I'm going to find out who did this."

"Did what?" asked Rita

"This... all this. Changed you, changed my girlfriend... changed the sun. I'm going to find out" he vowed.

Rita looked neutrally a moment, as she fanned her tail out of the water. "So, you're going on a quest to find someone that may not even exist, with not a clue on where to start, when every other person is looking for it too?"

Jeff nodded, a wild... crazy twitch in his eye.

"So, I guess I'll see you in a few years," said Rita rolling her eyes.

"by three days." said Jeff adamantly.

"Jeff... you're crazy," Rita said softly. "There is no way you can do it. You're not even a transformed person. You're just..."

"...just human?" Asked Jeff with a little smirk. "Maybe that gives be better eyes then everyone else. I'm not in Kira's list yet. He can't control me... he won't know I'm coming for him." Take whatever advantage you can, he decided. That was one thing he knew intimately.

"Now I know you're crazy," sighed Rita. "But... if you do find the cause.... what will you do?"

"Tear him limb from limb." said Jeff with a quick flex of his muscles. "I have to do a few things first. I'm going to try and improve your life for one, then I need to fix a few things for other people."

"How?" Rita asked.

"Well... I know you don't want to do tricks. But- well- I- I think we can still do something. I know of a company trying to make underwater equipment. I've ordered a tablet computer you can use... and we'll see what's around."

Rita thought about it then nodded. "It... might be nice. It would take a lot of boredom I have here."

The two continued to make a few plans on Rita's future, before Jeff eventually departed. It was time to make good on his three day quest.

Jeff went into the school, and into the darkened office of the principal. He was there of course. Principal Erin was always there. He was surprised to see the young human student. Few changed were bold enough to see him uninvited, let alone a human.

"Jeff Aurelius, 'the Razor' Said Erin curiously. "You're here awfully early..."

Jeff gave a letter to him placing it on his desk. "Here."

"And this is...?" Erin asked as he opened the letter.

"My confession. I made Belle plagiarise Ricky's work. Ricky had nothing to do with it himself, and Belle didn't want to do it. It was my doing. I put Ricky under that, don't punish him. I mean- her."

Erin looked at the letter then to Jeff. "This is a very serious matter Jeff... plagiarism is not taken lightly. You were not doing Belle any favours. You realise that don't you?" The strange sand creature was now standing up, as white and black sand littered the floor.

Jeff nodded. "I- I know sir. But... things have changed now. She's no longer held back by... her disability. She deserves a chance to make something of herself. Whatever... that might be."

Erin looked at him gravelly. "A confession like this is unheard of. The rules are clear however... I have no choice but to suspend you from school until we investigate how much work Belle has to do all over again. I will not suspend Belle, even though that would normally be required... as you have come forward as the culprit."

Jeff tensed a bit then nodded. "Fine. Suspend me." He said a little angrily. "I'm probably safer being home schooled anyway."

With that, Jeff left the principals office, and collected his things from the locker. Suspension actually worked well with his plans. It gave him time. He had to find out who was responsible for the sunlight.

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