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790. Iridescent Sun: Morgan and the

789. Iridescent Sun: Fruit and reso

788. Iridescent Sun: Julian's Treas

787. Iridescent Sun: Time and place

786. Exercises in Spellcasting

785. Adam talks it over with her mo

784. Iridescent Sun: Harpy Life

783. X Equals...?

782. Karyn and Jon have a talk...

781. The Impossible, Done.

780. Iridescent Sun: What fate?

779. Lucas's More or Less Ordinary

778. Anneza's mom reflects...

777. Adam has a chat with Hannah's

776. Iridescent Sun: Aneeza's pain

775. Lucas Dreams...

774. Iridescent Sun: Beyond the Mir

773. Iridescent Sun: Flights of fan

772. Adam finally takes flight...

771. Iridescent Sun: What do little

Iridescent Sun: Morgan and the FBI

on 2012-11-21 21:46:45

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Hawkings was relatively relaxed as he observed the house. It was... fairly ordinary. A few birds were chirping, and there was a small flower bed. It looked well tended to, perhaps by Morgan herself? There wasn't much one could say is out of place. How could this be the home of a magic girl?

"Any idea what kind of magic girl she is?" He asked Cecilia as they went through their notes.

"I wasn't aware there are different kinds," said the gynoid thoughtfully. "I suppose it is worth looking into at some point. Do you think each number has a different power?"

"Maybe," Nodded Hawkins. "Though what does it mean to be Two?"

"Two has many unique mathematical properties," said Cecilia. "It's the only even prime number for one. That might explain her oddness." The gynoid gave a little chuckle at the joke.

The approached the door and rang the bell. Opening the door slowly, the dark haired girl Morgan raised her eyes at the agents. She was wearing very simple clothes, a grey top and black trousers. She had white socks on though, and had an air of caution in her gaze and mannerism.

"Hello. I am agent Hawkins, and this is Agent Cecilia. We would like to talk to you if we may?"

"... One moment." Morgan closed the door.

The two agents glanced at each other. "Well- that's a little strange isn't it?" asked Agent Hawkins rubbing his head.

"Who knows," said Cecilia. "I have analysed her voice patterns. She is nervous."

"She didn't seem nervous at all to me," Thought Hawkins. Though it would be normal to be nervous on seeing two government agents.

"It might be worth running a psychological program on her. She seems to be one of 'those' kinds of personalities," Cecilia said with a faint smile. It was certainly interesting how much people gave away of themselves when they tried not to give anything at all.

Morgan opened the door and looked at them. She didn't say a word, she just waited.

Hawkens and Cecilia glanced at each other again. "May... we come in?"

"No." said Morgan briskly.

The two agents glanced at each other again. They of course had every right to force entry, but there was no need to. Morgan seemed to be aware of her rights and was giving away very little from her guarded eyes.

"Where are your parents?" Asked Cecilia.

"Unavailable." replied Morgan, not as abruptly as it would be impolite. She just seemed cautious and withdrawn. There was nothing in these agents to light the spark inside her. These people represented an establishment... the desire to maintain an order to things. Morgan wanted change. She embraced it... because it had to be better then what was now.

"Look we know about Becca, and we know about you" said Hawkins cutting to the chase.

Morgan blinked and it looked like she became even more guarded. "Becca... Becca... oh. Yes. What about her?"

"That you two are magic girls!" Said Cecellia.

Morgan looked at them, feigning as if they were crazy. It was such a well placed look that almost got Cecellia- unil she detected the faint quiver of her lower lip. Morgan was not that accomplished a liar, and her nervousness was very apparent. It is more then likely she was trying to protect Becca and herself.

"I... really don't know what you are talking about," said the dark haired girl in the end.

For a while there was a long pause as Hawkins debated their next move. They could probably show evidence of their knowledge and Morgan might simply deny it more... would that be a good idea to do though?

"May... I now return to my studies?" Asked Morgan cautiously.

"Oh.. er.. sure," said the agent. "Though maybe we could talk to your parents? When will they be available?"

Morgan shrugged. "I have no idea. Good bye."

Morgan let out a large gasp. The FBI?! And they know about her? What in the world was she going to do! She couldn't phone anyone, their lines might be tapped. There was absolutely nothing she could do, until they went away...

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