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768. Iridescent Sun: equations and

767. The aftermath at the Madisons'

766. Iridescent Sun: Clockwork car

765. Ricky weighs the options...

764. Iridescent Sun: Tick Tock expl

763. Revelation at the Madison hous

762. Angel of Chaos, Then and Now

761. Iridescent Sun: Mysterious clo

760. Lucas Tells Maxwell...

759. Ricky and her rescuer...

758. Iridescent Sun: Running Clock

757. Ricky becomes something exotic

756. Lucas learns when not to apply

755. Iridescent Sun: A very mean pr

754. Ricky finds someone like him..

753. Iridescent Sun: Ricky's night

752. Ricky's Turn...

751. Iridescent Sun: Domination cyc

750. Lucas Gives Julian Perspective

749. Iridescent Sun: Pizza

Iridescent Sun: equations and clothes

on 2012-10-22 19:43:42

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Melanie wasn't sure what she was supposed to do today.

There were no instructions to fulfil, besides keeping her room tidy. She wasn't sure quite how to accomplish this instruction, as the most tidy room would require there to not be a room at all. Or at least a bare room without any items inside. Still she had to do this task with 'things' actually inside it.

Still she put things in order of size, shape, colour... yet nothing seemed to 'fit' exactly- except of course, her little game of puzzles. That was quite an easy thing to put together, but for some reason when the puzzle was made whole it would not fit inside its own box. It was as if whoever made this game was making fun of her, mocking her attempts to create order and forcing her to create an act of disorder just to put the box of puzzles away.

It was certainly trying her patience now. She needed to relax.

She took out a little notebook and paper. Paper was a nice thing really. It was blank, and the only thing that went on it were her own thoughts. It was not unlike her own previous existence really. All that could exist on a sheet of paper had to come from her own existence, therefore it was the only thing that could be completely trusted.

she looked at the first sheet. As the first, there was only one thing that could be said. On the paper she wrote a repeating equation, the only truth that was inescapable in any universe.

0 = 0

She wrote this logical statement over and over. It was the absolute truth, the defined trait of their own existence and the absolute result of all universes no matter what they were. Everything started from this equation. Yet this statment did not define her any more. Even as she looked at it, it did not make sense any more to her. What was 'nothing'? She used to know...

Slowly she attempted another equation, her hand shaking.

1 = 1

That was the truth here, wasn't it? She was one... alone. The image of her dream still haunted her, and yet... even so, this equation did not quite match up to the truth either. She wrote it over and over, repeating it to herself as a mantra, as if repeating it multiple times would yield a clue to her new existence.

"One equals one equals one equals one equals one equals one EQUALS ONE!" she could feal tears streaming down her face, and found herself glancing at the mirror image of her own body. The insect girl that was a reflection of her self. Reflections were another 'thing' she had to get used to. The very idea that things reflected an 'image' was another horrifying concept. She was familiar with 'inversion' as an abstract concept, but to see 'reflection', to watch it in action... it was almost mesmerising to behold. She feared she would not know ever time she glanced if she would 'become' her reflection, and if she would ever know if she had 'returned' to the original world.

Lost? A voice spoke.

Melanie gasped. It couldn't be? It just couldn't be! she dried her tears as She looked at her various children books. Hidden in the simple story, in between the words, drifting from place to place... Oh... It was like a long lost 'relative'. "I'm not lost, you are." she said. At least she ended up... well... in this reality, where her existence actually created an eddy among other eddies. This one had retreated.

I was as you. Am I you?

Melanie sighed. "No, we are not whole, yet we are all one."

The creature 'entered' into her equations, finding itself at peace in these logical statements. thank you. This was... nice. Not quite the same as being where it once was, but it was peaceful. Now that it understood a concept of peace.

Melanie shrugged. "Place is confusing." It understood why this one retreated in the books. Still the insect girl was a little wiser. She knew that there was something lost to such an existence the other found itself in, when her own had something very... important? Her mother... even.... jenny? She slowly started to open her wardrobe and got out a simple dress. Clothes didn't make much sense either- but her grandparents insisted she try a few. She gave the 'lost' one a little time within her book. It seemed to need it. But it couldn't stay there forever. "You will leave the books?"

Yes. This one.. realises it must now.

"Why did the numbers not banish you?"

Why did the numbers not banish you?

Melanie gasped a bit at that. That is what the numbers were supposed to do, right? Yet have they ever actually ended any of them? They seemed to fight with reservation, as if they didn't really want to end them. Yet they had to, didn't they? But if that were the case, why did Melanie still exist? Why did this one still exist? "You could go into the sunlight. It might give you a form. Or it might banish you."

This one is... afraid. But it knows it must.

Melanie smiled gently as she took hold of the book. "One equals one," She repeated.

one equals one... we are all one.

"Yes... I will not know where you will go." Melanie said a little... sadly. In a way this 'cousin' was a link to her old existence. Yet it was like her... and alone. "She gently opened the pages to her window, placing it carefully there. "When the sun rises, you will be gone. Either here, or there... or somewhere else."

... Thank you. This one will not forget you.

Melanie gave a very sad smile. Somehow, she knew this was the right thing... but still, she knew the fear it had. "I will stay... until sunrise."

Ricky was not exactly uncomfortable in the car, as she laid horizontally. Though she was concerned of any weight she put on Anne. It wasn't as if she herself had muscles that would get sore in such an awkward position. However she was feeling embarrassment. Her handle gave another click, giving a very odd view to anyone looking at the mirror, who might wonder just what she was.

Finally they entered the car park of the mall. Ricky stepped out none the worse for wear, though her clothes were a little wrinkled. She would have to iron them later. (Where did that thought come from?)

"Are you okay son?" asked his father getting out. He was staring at her a little again.

"Yes father," said Ricky trying not to blush.

Inside the mall, people... stopped and stared at Ricky, again with strange fascination and curiosity. she tried to follow her parents as she glanced around trying not to get in the way of anyone-

"Oh mummy look at that! Can we buy it!" A little girl was pointing at Ricky.

Ricky looked a bit startled.

"Oh- no I- I don't think it- um- she is for sale." Said the mother very apologetically. "sorry. She thinks you're a toy"

"It's okay." Ricky smiled embarrassed and quickly followed her parents. This was getting stranger, and stranger. Going into the clothes shop, she was feeling a great sense of trepidation. This was without a doubt a 'female' shop. Anne held her hand encouragingly.

"It's no different to any other shop." Said the nerdy girl.

"But so much... pink," Ricky said a little awkwardly. There were panties and- well- this was simply -no man's- land.

Anne smiled and tried not to laugh at that.

A shopkeeper noticed them. "How may we help you?" she asked with a smile. She seemed a cheerful middle aged woman.

"We- well- we need some clothes for er- our 'daughter'" explained Ricky's mother.

Ricky's father gave a little odd look at that statement but said nothing. "Yeah- er- just a set of things."

The store person appraised the clockwork girl strangely. "Well- I've... never seen anything quite like this. We have shirts for winged folk, even ones that have a spines on their back... but... I'm not sure we have anything for a- er-" She wasn't sure how she could say politely a 'winding key'. "I'm sure we can come up with something though. Do you also need a bra as well dear?"

"I- do I?" Asked Ricky not sure at all.

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