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747. Iridescent Sun: Ricky reflects

746. Iridescent Sun: Julian the hun

745. Jenny Lilly and Artemis see th

744. Lucas Gets the Implications...

743. Lucas tries to understand the

742. Lucas learns more...

741. Iridescent Sun: Revelation

740. What does the future hold for

739. Iridescent Sun: A period in sp

738. It Turns Out Lucas is Human To

737. Iridescent Sun: E-life

736. The monster is ... where? and

735. Say a Prayer...

734. Read or else...?

733. Meanwhile, in the library...

732. Maxwell's Games with Ernest

731. Iridescent Sun: E-cosystem

730. Turn Back the Clock - Water

729. Iridescent Sun: Iridescent sc

728. Lucas Goes Merc

Iridescent Sun: Ricky reflects

on 2012-10-05 21:11:07

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Ricky was bathed in the after glow of... possibly the most intensive erotic thoughts he had ever felt in his life. These pictures were just so... exotic and different from anything he had conceived. He looked at each one, with their strange bodies that he felt such strange attraction to.

He closed his eyes, and imagined what it might be like to actually make love to each of them. He could hear the devil girl saying how much she loved him, before wrapping her tail around him, promising a night he would never forget.. He imagined both the elder and younger devil in a threesome. He imagined what it would be like for the cat girl to be lactating milk with her large multitude of breasts. He imagined kissing the lips of that strange space girl, and all the other strange and curious girls.... he imagined them all.

The pose of the cat girl and she-devil in particular were just right. The cat girl's eyes were posed in a mixed surprised look, while the red skinned devil was standing portrait and he could see her entire body, just begging to be touched.

He was sweaty, and felt just a little ashamed now. It was slowly starting to dawn at him what he had just done. These were not actors or pictures that happened to be downloaded from the internet... they were passers by, transformed by the sun, and pictures were taken of them at the most opportune time by Julian. He tried not to think of it too much. It wasn't as if they lived in the 'real' world any more. It was very likely that he would never see any of them. besides they were not human any more so... the fact that a human might like them, should actually be considered a good thing, right?

At school they often talked about the 'sun freaks'. People would say how some of them had tails, or wings, or just about anything really. They would make fun of how 'ugly' they were, but it was rare to have a picture of them except what was seen in the news. Ricky was different. He actually felt an attraction to the girls strange bodies, and he felt ashamed to even think it. Was it a sickness? He hoped not... he thought he was quite an ordinary person in almost everything, but the fascination he had to cat girls, fairy-girls, angel girls, devil girls- girls- girls with breasts, big and huge and lots-

"I'm... not doing anything wrong," he said to himself. It was a perfectly normal 'thing'... right? He didn't mean any harm.... no more then any other teen who had done similar things to a picture of an actress they may have admired. Yes- that was all. He admired them. As much as any teen-boy would admire a girl.

He wanted to copy these pictures just in case they ever got damaged. He quickly went to his computer, and digitally copied each of them as a backup. Maybe now he can spend his Saturday playing a few games-

... he sold his playstation though.

Ricky sighed a bit lamenting the loss of his favourite console. It would take a long time before he could save up for another... still... maybe if he had $100 more dollars he could get a cheap one? He glanced at the photos. Julian had said he was not to post them on the internet... but maybe if he sold one or two copies to a friend at school? It would easily make $50 each. Still... it kind of made him feel a little dirty to even think of doing this. But- if Julian was doing it, why should he have all the opportunity? Ricky lost his job at the burger stand selling milkshakes because it only operated on the day, so his own income was practically zero. As a temporary worker, all they did was just fire him. He didn't actually mind it though, since studying in school at night was practically a full time job anyway.

... but he really wanted a playstation to help him through those hard days when he couldn't go out.

He took a few of the photos. He knew a few students that might be interested in buying a copy- though probably not for the same interest as him. he was sure he could trust them not to put it on the internet too.

"Just need to make $100... and that's it. I won't do it again."

Anxiously, he glanced at his watch waiting for sunset. Without his playstation, the time was going to drag.

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