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723. Iridescent Sun: Secrets

722. Adam faces her future...

721. Iridescent Sun: Natural develo

720. Jon and Mikey talk...

719. Lucas and Cass are invited on

718. Iridescent Sun: Two, Fours, Si

717. Lilly finds out where she stan

716. Iridescent Sun: Dark voices

715. Adam talks to a ship...

714. Iridescent Sun: Three little m

713. A Leak...

712. Iridescent Sun: Memory overflo

711. Melanie dreams...

710. A bit more on Lucas's nature..

709. Lilly has a dream about her li

708. Shi and Lucas Talk

707. Anneza goes to the bar.

706. Iridescent Sun: Melanie's even

705. Iridescent Sun: Anneza's eveni

704. The Viral Proliferation...

Iridescent Sun: Secrets

on 2012-08-25 08:43:00

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Jenny and Artemis, along with Lilly walked together under the strange colourful lights of the sun. It was a pleasant Saturday, and they hoped it could be an enjoyable one. The magic girl and moon-girl could tell Lilly's mood seemed a little different now. More subdued, and... wistful? It was certainly welcome, if strangely sudden.

Jenny's curiosity got the better of her and she leaned a little closer to the furry girl, her eyes wondering over her strange friend. Maybe she had distanced herself from her because she didn't want Lilly getting hurt. She didn't want to say it, but she did feel guilty over what minus four had done to her. She never wanted anything like that to happen to anyone... if worse had happened... it just didn't bare thinking about. That was likely the reason for her preference in having Artemis around. She was a friend that she need not worry for- who could take care of herself when she was in a magic fight. Though she realised, she was being unfair to Lilly who was equally if not more so her friend... but it was certainly justifiable.

"You're differ'nt now. Did somethin' happen?" Asked the white haired girl.

Lilly looked over to her, then at herself regarding her own body with some apprehension. "Y-you both know.. I used to be a boy..." she said quietly, Not everyone could understand it, but these two knew.... Though now she was wondering if anyone else should have this knowledge. Should she tell Hannah? Or Bruce? Or anyone else? (it might make Bruce stop pulling her tails- even if she found it a little funny sometimes.)

"Uh huh," Jenny just smiled. It didn't bother her at all.

"I... I guess what I'm thinkin' now is... I'm okay." She blushed just a bit under her fur. Was 'okay' even the right word? Or just simply accepting the situation or what it is, without... well... what exactly? she certainly wasn't feeling the rage and despair any more, nor was she fighting it... but that didn't mean she preferred it. But it did mean she could explore this life now for what it was.

"You wanna be a girl now?" Asked Jenny as if reading her thoughts.

Lilly sighed. That was a good question. "I- I dunno Jenny." She looked into the eyes of her friend. Eyes that were level to her, in the world of children being a child herself. ".. An'... its probably gonna sound a bit weird-" She paused hesitant.

The conversation peeked Artemis's curiosity. She was silent for the moment, just listening, though glanced at the friendship band on her wrist.

Lilly bit her lip with her large incisors. "I- I didn't get to choose before an' I didn't get to choose this body- an' well- the thing is, nobody chooses, right? Before the sun or after the sun."

Artemis and Jenny glanced at each other. The point was actually quite well made. Nobody could choose.

"S-So... this is what I am, an'... this is what I gotta be... an'... I'll be okay with that as much as I was okay bein' a boy too- a-at least I'll try. B-But I'd be happier if... if you were my friends an-" She hoped they could understand that. She was surprised when she got a group hug from the two of them.

"You're surprisin'ly smart," Smiled Artemis. "An' brave too."

Lilly gave a little smile back. She wasn't sure if this was the first step to 'liking' what she was now- she didn't even know what it meant to be what she was... though... sure she had a few advantages in this body (agility being quite useful), although she did still have a fondness for her old life- a life that was equally hers, even if she regretted many of the latest choices she had made... but if this is going to be her life now, well... then this was her life. It was her choice... to do with this body whatever she wanted. Right now, she just wanted to be with her friends, and help them however she could.

The Woman looked down upon her new daughter, with such beaming pride. She was in a very good mood.

"Our daughters seem to make good friends," said Selene. She too was quite relieved.

"So they do" Smiled the Woman. As if there was any doubt that they could become friends in the end. She was certain, this was a first step towards saving Lilly from her fate... sensing the balance, she knew it had to be true.

"The un-named actually achieved their original... ideal." Selens said glancing upwards, into the darkness that made up the sky of the True. The great unknown, the edge of existence itself, centred around a core of all that was- from their own perspective anyway. The moon goddess sighed.

The Woman only nodded. It certainly had at that, though there was no way to know, where the interaction would go when it mingled with a mortal. "Such a time it was... could it ever be again?"

"The mortals have a saying. You can't go home again... such is true for them, and is true for us."

The two paused for mere seconds, but to their consciousness it was stretched into eons of time. It was nice to use the time to think on what was, to relive those moments, and consider what might be... what could be... But at the start was simply what they called the singularity.

"Would mortals want to go back to the very first age, even if they would not be as they were?" asked Selene to herself.

"I do not wish it... I know you do not either." She gave another of her pleasant smiles. "You love Artemis far too much to allow that." Yet of course, even this was out of their hands. It was up to the keeper of the Earth stone, to decide the material aspect of existence. She who was the Merlin, who's will they had to abide by the covenant. As was tradition, they waited for her to come to them... however long it would be- unless there was a grave emergency, of course.

"I am wondering, if to indulge Lucas into our History... and its... cyclic nature." said the moon goddess to the Woman.

"You would take her to the point of creation? It would be unfathomable to her."

That was true. The story might be similar, but it always plays out differently. Still, if they knew their mistakes, perhaps they could avoid the same conflict. "I sense she wishes to know more about her sword, and... the Water element" Oh that secret... She glanced at The woman knowingly, who shared the same glance back. How would Lucas react to it? She was unpredictable even to them, and this was a secret they might not be ready for.

"The way the symbol of friendship transferred to my daughter," Asked Selene curiously... "Is that a sign?"

"Friendship is a powerful spell in the new world..." The Woman said cryptically.

But no, such was not the right time... the Secret of the Element of Water, would have to remain a secret.

For now.

"I don't know about this," Said Hiro as he dressed up.

"She said yes!" Smiled his digital fairy. Riko was quite happy to help Hiro about this. It also took away some of the 'pressure' she felt of the 'attraction' Hiro seemed to have towards her. Given she was a digital fairy, and Hiro wasn't it... well... she didn't want to explore it. While such relationships might be possible, it would take an awful lot of work. Beside, She could tell Hiro liked Max... he just needed a coach. So what better coach then an actual girl inside his head?

"No, don't wear that. It's wrinkly." Chided the fairy.

"But it's my best jacket."

Riko sighed. "Come on, if you want to impress a girl you have to look good in a 'casual' way. First of all, iron that shirt. And oh- are those your shoes?!" The cat-taur jumped from his hand to the ground inspecting them. "No- scrub those clean."

Hiro face palmed a bit. Riko was acting worse then his mother. They were only going for pizza, just like what the letter she helped him write say. Still she did say yes... so... Riko must know what she's doing. "Okay- and why am I bringing my sister to this?"

"Trust me, a little sister will help. It gives you someone else to talk about," winked Riko. "I think Max is going to bring a friend- but if she doesn't this will help keep it nice and casual. Also if things don't work out... at least you had the pizza. You can also send Hitomi to play in the arcades, and I'll keep an eye on her- If you want that."

The cyborg was feeling quite nervous. He knew Riko was trying to help, but there was just no way anyone would find a half man, half machine attractive. It was just... too disturbing. If he could roll the dice again he would have- but he was stuck with this body.

"Oh and- try not to stare at her chest, Hiro" said the cat-taur with annoyance.

Hiro blushed again. "I- I er-"

"Yes I know.. boys..." Riko said with a little smirk.

They heard a light flutter going down the stairs "I'm ready brother!" Said the fairy girl Hitomi.

"Wow..." Hiro stared. His sister's clothes seemed to glow with the fairy dust she made.

"Aww... cute as a button," Smiled Riko invisible to the fairy girl.

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