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707. Anneza goes to the bar.

706. Iridescent Sun: Melanie's even

705. Iridescent Sun: Anneza's eveni

704. The Viral Proliferation...

703. Mikey confronts Becca...

702. Shi is Reinstated

701. Iridescent Sun: Ruth and Selin

700. Effie and Dennis work on that

699. Iridescent Sun: Friends made

698. Party On...

697. Jon's circle debates what to d

696. Iridescent Sun: Brittany debat

695. The Party Goes On

694. Hawkins mingles

693. Iridescent Sun: The Enemy Refl

692. Hawkins and Cecilia try to fig

691. Anneza catches up with her fat

690. PAR-TAY!

689. Sakura is Born

688. The final name is given

Iridescent Sun: A space girl walks into the bar and..

on 2012-08-05 22:12:13

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Anneza could feel a lot of tension as she looked at the bar. It wasn't exactly packed, but what did put her off was how full it was of normal humans. She thought that a little odd. Didn't these people have jobs go to at night? But then, who knew? There didn't seem to be any changed people at all. She was thinking of turning back, but she realised she had to face the world at some point like this. Otherwise, she may as well stay in the clouds. Summoning all the will power she could, she walked through the doors, her feet a few inches from the ground pointed downwards. It gave her a gentle thrust of motion forwards, as the little silvery antenna on her head bobbed to her motion.

As soon as she entered the bar, all the chatter stopped.

People looked.

They stared... she could feel eyes of everyone on her, in what was predominately a male audience. This wasn't making her feel any better. She went up to the bar, tugging a little at her top to hide more of her cleavage- though all it did was make more attention go to her.

"What...can I get you," said the bartender. He sported a grey must ache and seemed pleasant to the strange space-girl. Anneza recognised him. He was the owner, and had been so for a very long time. but of course, there was no way he would recognise her. She remembered when his moustache used to be red... how time flew.

"Demitr," She said pointing to the red wine.

The bartender raised a slight eyebrow. She must be a foreign. Strange as he had heard quite a few languages but never that one. "Here you go," he said hoping it was the right drink.

Anneza placed a few bills on the bar. The bartender checked them, and gave her the right change back. By her blank look he could tell he could have probably taken complete advantage of the foreigner, but there was no way he would do that. Some of the other patrons had also started to take an interest in her. Most had probably not seen any of the changed this closely.

A man came next to her, smirking just a bit. "Hey, babe, did you come off a shooting star? Cause I got a wish," he grinned.

Anneza looked at him without comprehension. She went back to her drink.

"Come on, let me buy you a drink eh? What's your name?" The smell of booze was on his breath.

Anneza continued to ignore him. She couldn't understand a single thing he was saying, but the way he looked there was clearly just one thing on his mind and she really was restraining herself from smacking him. if she had been a man going to the bar, this would not have happened.

"Sheesh. You got problems lady," said the man in the end. "What the hell eh? You like teasin' us just for the thrill of it? Oh let me guess. I gotta pay?" The man was clearly just a little drunk.

"Leave the lady alone," Said the bartender. The way he was built, it didn't look like he would allow anything under his watch to happen.

"Hey, she's the one bein' unsocial," said the man annoyed.

"That's her choice. Go home."

"Pft. Fine. Ain't in the mood for hookers anyway." said the man leaving the unaware girl alone.

"Sorry about him miss," Said the bartender. "I shouldn't have allowed him to have that extra glass." He could handle his drink, but when a skirt comes in... God. Glancing around he could tell quite a few other patrons were interested in trying their luck with the foreign girl. Some were a little put off by the way she floated though.

Anneza sighed, and blissfully drank the wine. It wasn't exactly what she ordered, but the warm feeling it gave was certainly nice. The place had not changed that much, but... time changes everything and everyone. She wondered of all the people she once knew here, before her business took over her life. She smiled a little gratefully to the bartender, for being one small constant in this crazy life she had found herself in.

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