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33. Deadly Sin

32. Leave Him

31. Recruiting

30. Prepping

29. Bailing Out

28. Caravan

27. Folk Hero

26. Gratitude

25. Dalmar Attacks

24. Avoid Him

23. He Notices

22. Aftermath

21. Our Markings

20. Azgath Caves

19. Inn Visit

18. Demon Knight

17. Novice Blacksmith

16. Shady Deal

15. Apprentice Blacksmith

14. Castle Town

The Second Ritual

avatar on 2021-08-01 07:33:52

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Like before, we were brought aside by the village elder and told more about the Deadly Sin ritual. It was basically similar to the first ritual. The components were still the same. There was an added step though. Once you picked the particular Sin, you had to please the Archdevil that embodied it. If accepted, you could transform into any demon type you wanted. Essentially, the offering for a boost in your chances was now mandatory. We could all take it since we were at the proper level. That of course meant another detour to the nearest city for the ingredients for the standard ritual. Phirlax, Dulgron and Tryxlyn were all choosing Lust. Helelin and Dalmar were taking on the sin of Pride. I was choosing Sloth myself. Lust was pretty easy. They were going to have an orgy with the villagers and fuck for a whole day. I had to sacrifice half my speed and agility stats. It instead doubled my mana and strength. Pride was all about the pageantry and getting others to compliment you. I made sure to play along and get others to help. Miraculously, we all passed the Sin ritual and became more powerful.

I watched as Phirlax, Dulgron and Tryxlyn became incubi and a succubus. They grew red spaded tails. Helelin became a shadow demon. She could enter shadows and disappear with a puff of red sparkles when in the shade. It was certainly cool. Dalmar was a blade demon. Orange steel blades appeared around him in whatever shape or size he pleased. It was just the blade, but he could attach the rest with his skills as a blacksmith. I went with a chain demon. A long red iron chain wrapped around each of my limbs and my waist for a total of 5. I could use them as chains or whips if I wanted to go on the offensive. Defensively, the chains could block attacks or bind my opponents. I really liked it. Dulgron actually took Tryxlyn as his wife while we were in the village. That was nice to see. Phirlax asked "You want to be mine? We could be just as good of a pairing." I let him down easy. Helelin also took a mate. He was a couple years younger. She gave him the ring since she did not need it. Phirlax took a villager as his mate too. He obviously did not want to be left out. It led to festive times.

My appearance changed after the ritual. I grew a pair of 7 inch horns on top of my head. They were like ram horns and red. I also had markings all over my body. Each of the knuckles of my hands and feet had a red ring around them. Just below my elbow, there were 2 rings of red. The top ring was 6 inches thick with 2 inches of space before the ring under it which was 3 inches thick. The inverse was on my thighs right above my knee. The 3 inch ring was on top this time. On my chest was a big, red 5 pointed star. At each valley of the star was a black dot. Phirlax, Helelin, Dulgron and Tryxlyn all had the same patterned markings. Dalmars was slightly different. His full body markings were the same except it was the same orange as his eyes. His chest had a 4 pointed star and the dots were gray. The elder explained that these were the marking of a full demon marked by Sin. We retained our elements and gained the powers our new demon types gave us. I could control chains remotely and take control of other chains nearby. I had also been investing in offensive Metal abilities like ground spikes.

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