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29. Bailing Out

28. Caravan

27. Folk Hero

26. Gratitude

25. Dalmar Attacks

24. Avoid Him

23. He Notices

22. Aftermath

21. Our Markings

20. Azgath Caves

19. Inn Visit

18. Demon Knight

17. Novice Blacksmith

16. Shady Deal

15. Apprentice Blacksmith

14. Castle Town

13. Group Dynamics

12. Our Magic Power

11. We Succeed

10. Magic Ritual

Azgath's House

avatar on 2021-08-01 07:18:30

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As we had new items from our escapades around the Demon Country, people came over to see them. Townsfolk wanted to hear news and look at what we had to offer. I had some nice magic enchanted items with the money I had been saving up. The master was good at keeping the passersby cycling through if a demon was just there to gawk and gossip. The ones with a order or item they had to buy were allowed to stay and conduct business with the workshop. It was good as we were able to get to our work. We also had more components for forging to sell. For example, setting diamonds and jewels in a shortsword that I buffed skyrocketed the price. I decided to keep one for myself. It needed a short shield to go with it. Going to pay for one was easy enough. It had rubies in the hilt and a diamond on the pommel. As all the novelty from the trip wore off, people began to stop coming over to chat with us. "Looks like you two aren't as popular as you were before." he teased. "Not everyone can just rescue someone in mortal danger and carry them 23 miles. Some of us just buy and sell stuff." I said.

Being the last version of Dalmar's claim to fame, he just rolled his eyes and went back to work. I also went to work. There were things to do. After work, I straight went to my room in the inn. Phirlax and Thalox were both drinking with Dulgron in the serving area. As I looked closer, it was clear they were just making him pay for all the drinks. "Another round?" the server asked. Before Dulgron could say anything, they both cheerfully shouted "Yes!" and "I want more!" Dulgron gasped. The server smiled and said "7 rounds, huh? You two are Adventurers. It must be thirsty work." Dulgron groaned. Thalox glared at him. "Is something the matter." he snarled. That really was not good. Dulgron was leaning closer to Phirlax and making sure to smile awkwardly. I guessed that I could help him out some. "Hey. You guys got enough money to pay for that?" I asked as I approached. They all turned to me. If I could laugh at the moment, Dulgron face would send me over the edge. "We don't have to worry about it. All the drinks are on Dulgron tonight." Thalox said. Phirlax added "We asked and he said 'yes'."

Calmly, I asked to speak to Dulgron in private. He got up and moved over to me. "I'm going to need to take you with me." I said to him. I then turned to the others and said "We'll be right back." We then walked right out of the inn and onto the street. The others just let us go. "What do you want to talk about?" Dulgron asked me. I looked at him. "Did they force you against your will or intimidate you for drinks?" I asked seriously. He shrugged. "What do you think!? Phirlax is trouble enough. Thalox is much too intimidating for me. Together, I thought I was going to be eaten alive." I smirked. "Since they weren't playing fair, let's just ditch them. The staff will make them pay for the tab eventually if we don't come back." His eyes lit up with mischievous glee. "But where will we go? We live in the inn." he asked. I knew just the place. We went over to Azgath's house. He answered the door and asked what was going on. "Let us stay in your house for the night." I said. He sucked his teeth as he stood aside. Dulgron and I stepped inside. His mother was in the house. She was confused as to why we were there.

I stayed quiet as Azgath dragged us to his room. He closed and locked the door behind us. "Why are you here and why did you bring one of your comrades with you!? At my own home! My mother lives here!" he hissed. I looked at him and said "Hey. We just want to stay for the night. We won't make a fuss." He just huffed and sat on his bed. Dulgron looked at me with an unimpressed look on his face. "What are you playing at? I don't want to take any rumps tonight. I certainly don't want to give my rump to anyone." he whispered. "You won't ever have to." I assured him. The 3 of us were a bit cramped as we all shared a bed. When Azgath's mother came to wake us up in the morning, she gasped. For some reason, both Azgath and Dulgron were the type to not sleep unless naked. I was in just my underwear because they kept nagging at me to take all my clothes off. I was in the middle with them on either side of me. Dulgron had some morning wood, but Azgath was full on leaking precum. It was kind of a gross feeling as it got on my thighs and the sheets. They both woke up and looked around.

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