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5. Peasant Recruits

4. The Curse Veil

3. Beginners Luck

2. Let's try this out

1. The Future of Gaming


avatar on 2021-07-17 18:30:47

426 hits, 21 views, 1 upvotes.

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When a group of young demons were hanging out, I moved over to them. There were of all different skin complexions, but they all had red eyes and white or silver hair. I was glad that I fit in here so well. They were all being a bit mischievous and determined that they should pull a prank on the knight who was the manager of the area we were in. As the knight was a small bit player when it came to the kingdom, he had a small manor nearby where he ruled from. Out of the 6 demons that were there, I just pulled two of them aside. "There's no way that they are going to be able to pull this off. Let's hold back and see what happens." I said. One was a boy named Phirlax and a girl named Helelin. They were about my age. They nodded and Helelin said "You're going to get caught! We're not going with idiots like you." The leader who proposed it screwed up his face in a malicious way. "Who says we're going to get caught, huh!?" Helelin just pointed at me. The wrathful expression on the demon's face made me shudder a bit. I still had to hold my ground unless I wanted to be bullied by everyone else.

A moment passed before I said "If you think you do it, go ahead and try it out. Phirlax, Helelin and I will watch you." The demon boy snarled and said "Fine! You'll all see what I, Thalox the Great, can do. I'm going to be a Demon king one day." He then turned and the other 3 went with him. My group followed at a distance as they joined my party. We walked a few miles from the village to get to the manor. Their plan was to sneak in and replace some of them iron ingots that his private smith had for some dung they had packed into bricks. It was a shitty plan and it failed miserably. The guards found them right away and took them for thieves. In a way, they were. They were then all dragged back to the village tied in rope and beaten within an inch of their lives. Everyone in the village was forced to watch. From there, they were placed in the stocks for the rest of the day. I just walked in front of them and said "I told you so. The plan was doomed from the start." The 3 of us then laughed at them. I then went around the village asking for tasks I could do for some exp. and questlines. I got some.

Being an errand boy was fine for the early game as it let you go around and explore the area you were in. I did fetch quests and escorts from one side of the small village to another. Phirlax and Helelin were with me through it all. Phirlax was a energetic boy with spiky hair and athletically toned. Helelin was a sassy, but observant girl that had milk maid braids. The peasants all had concerns that could be spun onto a quest. Some needed something from a neighbor. Others wanted to go somewhere with company. A message had to be shared with someone. There were dangers outside the safety of the village. There were demonic beasts and plants around that would try to attack or tempt passersby. As peasants, we were only allowed to use clubs to deal with them. That was not going to be good thing in the long run. By the time the 3 of us were finished with all the quests, we were level 4. Things were looking up when a messenger from the knight came looking from recruits for his lord's army. I easily volunteered the 3 of us. Thalox and two of his cronies also volunteered. That was a total of 6.

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