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11. The Party

10. Hanging with Clyde

9. Winning

8. My Shot

7. The Tryouts

6. 3 Jocks

5. The Setting

4. ... there was one final game t

3. ... it had been so long since

2. ... it was the first of many y

1. The Future of Gaming

Werewolf Attack

avatar on 2021-07-13 10:54:21

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The day of the party came around and I found my way to the trail leading to the house. It was a small town with a large forest on the edges. Perfect for the werewolves to chase you at night. I had seen enough of the cliche teen horror films to predict what would happen. I was waiting in the parking lot with Byrce. He had a car and he offered to drive me there. Since we were partners on the team, it made sense. Hunter, the #6 singles member as well as one of the alternates, Brayden, were also there for the ride. The car fit 4 and we had been talking about it openly after practice. Hunter had gotten motion sickness and was heaving in some bushes. Bryce was taking a bit to care for him and watched us from a distance. "Are you looking forward to the party?" I asked Brayden. He nodded. He was a redhead with jade green eyes. "I was here last year. There was a bit of a scare, but the Hunter dealt with it." he said. I blinked. "Wait. There was an attack, and we're having the same party again? That's a bad idea." He just shook his head. "No. We have to show the weres they won't beat us." he said.

Morale was really important. The reason I stood up to the jocks in the first place was because I did not want to look weak and make myself a target. I just shrugged and said "Listen. We need to make sure things down go bad. If we make sure things are locked up and that the guests aren't acting weird we can make it 2 years in a row that the party goes well. That would really show those weres." He looked interested. "What do you think we should do?" he asked. I ran down the basics like locking all the doors and windows, making sure everyone is accounted for, and making sure we were sober after midnight. Hunter and Bryce had come by while I was explaining. I ran through it again for them. "You sound really prepared. Are you a Hunter or something?" Bryce asked as he play punched my shoulder. "Nope. This is just survival tactics 101. You can't be sure what's out there, so you have to secure the inside." I explained. They all were in on the plan to make sure the party was safe. Maybe we could get noticed by the Hunter's Guild. I was not counting on it though. I just wanted the silver.

Our hosts for the evening were the senior basketball team. The team captain was a senior this year. His father owned the house and let his son use it for parties. It was a mix of everything you would expect. There were teens in various states of sobriety and undress. Some were doing drugs and drinking. Others were trying to get lucky. A loser tried to do something that would have caused an explosion. The hosts stopped him and beat him up. That was well deserved. The four of us took a few drinks to socialize, but we made sure not to get drunk. We also made sure to move around as well. Eventually there was a lull as the host called it quits. They went upstairs to go to bed, some with their bed partners for night. Most of the 4 dozen partygoers were also down for the count. It was about 11 in the night. That was when we began going around and ensuring all the exits and windows on the 1st floor were locked. Some of them asked what we were doing. I told them and they nodded. Some of the others looked a bit weirded out. That was when the light of the full moon came in through the windows.

I could not see anything out there, but I knew things were about to happen. We heard a howl and it rattled the windows. The others that were awake gathered together in the living room. Hunter, Bryce, Brayden and I all came together as well. "What happens now?" Brayden asked. "If everything really is locked down and they can't get in, nothing. If they get in the house, it will be bad." I said. After half an hour, we saw a pack of large wolves gathering together at the front of the house. We could see them clearly and they could see us. "Holy shit!" one of the guys said. One of the girls screamed while others cried. That woke others up and they became aware of the situation. It was fine for an hour. They were just standing there as if waiting for something. I said to "Bryce. Come with me. We need to check the exits again. Something doesn't feel right." He nodded and we went checking. There was a dull thud against the door leading to the backyard area. As we were approaching, a partygoer from a separate room came in, scratching his ass. He looked in the fridge. Hearing the noise, he moved over.

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