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86. His Place

85. Nikolas

84. Cruising Again

83. Second Round

82. Claire Joins

81. X-frame Sex

80. Break Up

79. Angry Keith

78. Artist Keith

77. More X-frames

76. Commission Keith

75. Art Critique

74. Love Rival

73. First Date

72. Dating

71. Maroon

70. Reproduction

69. The Reveal

68. A Full Clan

67. Unsatisfying

Shared Apartment

avatar on 2021-07-08 13:22:43

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A second glance over him made me realize that he needed some new clothes. "Let's go to the clothing store Niko. Your clothes are falling off of you." He just looked at himself and nodded. "Let's go then." he said. We then went to a women's clothing section of the store. I asked where his charge port was. "It's on my back. Dead center between my shoulder blades." he said. I bought him black women's jeans that hugged his ass and made it look plump and a bit bigger. The red polly knit halter keyhole crop top made him raise an eyebrow, but I followed him in the changing room and made sure it covered up his charge port. I paid for it and he wore it out the store. There was a bot of midriff that was exposed. Nikolas sighed and shook his head. "What did I expect from a creep?" he asked the ether. "At least it's not falling off of you." I shot back. We walked back to the library and stood around for a bit before he turned to me. "Where do you want to do this?" he asked. I asked if he was living somewhere. He was. Apparently, he had a shared apartment with Emil, Berry and Bruno. It was very smart.

Just having a place to stay gave them a leg up by keeping them off the streets. Scrappers and Reprogrammers could not just raid apartment buildings. Bruno was a nice barista at a cafe. Berry brought in money by gambling. It did explain the car and nice clothes. Nikolas was a drug dealer that sold some technologic drugs to the scrappers. He was technically the only criminal in the group. It was a cheap 1 bedroom apartment, but they did not need to sleep. They could pay for it with Emil's painter salary and the rest was pooled together for things they needed. When he took me to the apartment, Emil and Bruno were there. Bruno was on the charger, plugged in at the right ankle. Emil was making a pitcher of lemonade in the kitchenette. The apartment was clean with a spartan decor plan. There was a small wooden table with 4 old steel folding chairs. There was a single couch next to a floor lamp in the living room with a TV in front of a window. The bedroom had a immaculate bed and the brown tiled bathroom looked spotless. Both of the rooms looked very much unused. I expected it.

Kicking off his shoes at the door, Nikolas said "I brought the creeper home. He bought me clothes and made a deal I couldn't refuse." Both Bruno and Emil stood up and glared at us. "You brought him here!? What the fuck is the deal!? Now he fucking knows where we live!" Emil spat as he pointed at me. "You don't bring riffraff we can't even kill back to the apartment. Why do we have to spell this out to you?" Bruno said in exasperation. "You stand here for a moment. I have to talk to them." Nikolas said calmly. "Do whatever you feel you need to, Niko." I replied as I stood still. "You let him give you a pet name too!? What the fuck is happening!?" Emil snapped. Nikolas brought them both into a huddle. They spoke at a tone too low for me to pick up. They did give me glances with various negative emotions on their faces. When the 3 person huddle was broken, Nikolas smirked as he unbuttoned his jeans. As he lowered them under his hips, I saw he was going commando. "I told them everything. It is okay. They'll be fine with all of it as long as you keep your end of the bargain." he told me.

Liking what I was hearing, I nodded. He walked to the couch and bent over the arm with his ass in the air. "Males can self lubricate just like the females. Let's get all this over with and text the X-womb you made." he said over his shoulder at me. Nikolas was still a guy and I could see his dick and balls hanging under him. I gulped as I approached. I undid my pants as well. I closed my eyes and gave my cock a few strokes. When I was hard enough to get inside, I leaned over him and looked at the girly clothes he was in. I repeated that he was a girl over and over as I grabbed his left hip and slowly penetrated. Once inside, it was indistinguishable from Sarah's ass from the few times when I did anal during a threeway with Keith. This greatly helped and I was able to get a bit harder. I thrust in and out of the cyborg below me. He wisely knew not to say anything to take away from my concentration. I was able to feel myself get close after a few minutes. "Get ready. I'm about to cum." I said. When it was right at the head, I grabbed both hips and went as deep as I could with my spurts of cum.

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