I felt relieved when the cab came. He pulled right in front of me and I hopped in quick. "Floor it. We might be getting tailed." I whispered harshly at him. He just furrowed his brow before we peeled out of there. It wasn't until we were blocks away did I tell him about what happened. Ryder was shocked and then pissed. "You were helping a fool like him and he still said he was going to kill you!? What an ungrateful guy!" he snapped. I just nodded. "You know how it is sometimes. If we get into it, he's going to die." I said. That was all that needed to be said about that. We got back to the depot. It was time for me to lay low for a while. I spent time with the paladins and monks. It was nice to speak with them. An interesting thing happened. They learned how to do simple things from looking on the internet. I was curious to see if I could teach them how to drive. At the very least, a second or third cab dispatcher would be very profitable for us. I took the younger knights and trained them first. It took me a full week before I could trust them to drive on their own. Michiel, Rulf and Elsa were my driver employees.
Doing that allowed for us to pass enough time for both the reactors to be built in the Clan building. The construction in the labs could function independently of the room construction. We made the field generator and then the melee weapon from the given blueprints. We all let have Red have it because he was the first to join in. The field generator could recharge the energy fields of the team. The question was what to work on while the elevator to the second sublevel was being built. There were personal cylinders for the charging of the energy or shield. Instead of standing around and cranking the lever to generate the charge you could simply plug it in. We could also get a pistol that dealt radiation damage. I leaned towards the gun. The others were split down the middle. I was able to choose the gun during the confusion. "Oops." I said as I pressed the button. The ones that did not want the gun were miffed at me. I had good relationships with them so I knew they would be able to forgive me. There was a 3 day wait for it. The PEP lab was still a week away. That was were the really good stuff was.
Even the most patient of people could go crazy if they were confined in one spot for too long. Brett, Paul and I decided it would be good to get them out to the park. They seemed to enjoy themselves. Since things were going so well, I let them pass by the library. All of them could read, so they took out books about things that interested them. It was on the way back, that I saw familiar looking overalls. I told the others to head on home without me. They went while I stayed to look around. Eventually, I saw the strawberry blond cyborg with the ink black eyes. He was talking to a fellow painter in front of a large storefront. Emil looked my way and saw me. When I waved, he tensed up and pushed past his conversation partner. I decided to walk off the site. He would probably attack if he got within range of me. He was fast, but not fast enough to stop me from getting to the sidewalk and continuing at a brisk pace. I was now in public and he could not do much. Emil stood at the boundary of the site and glared at me. "Stop being a damn creeper around my friends! I will kill you in public." he growled.
Feeling confident, I asked how his back was feeling. He just sighed and said "Good enough to break your spine." Rolling my eyes, I turned to walk away. "Wait!" Emil called after me. I stopped but did not turn my head. "You're a crazy guy, but I can get the sense that you aren't too bad. Let me fuck you. I have to thank you for saving me at least." "I don't bottom. Especially not for quickshot guys like you, Emil." was all I said. I did not trust him as far as I could throw him. He was way too heavy. He was obviously going to try and kill me at some point at the date. That and I was not interested in him after seeing all that mucus and watching him cum on my ass. That was a turn off regardless of the situation. He obviously could not follow me when he was on the clock. I was able to catch up to group at the Red Grind as they enjoyed ale and mead. It probably made them feel the most at home. There were no cleric to say Mass or any of the rites. They could only say the prayers they knew and clutch at their holy symbols. They were more trapped than Emil was. He could at least navigate the encounter.