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91. They Feed the Ducks

90. Lisa makes a decision

89. Iridescent Sun: identity clari

88. The morning continues...

87. Iridescent Sun: One mixed up t

86. The next day...

85. Iridescent Sun: After school p

84. The remains of the day...

83. Toby and Terri, later that nig

82. Iridescent Sun: break time

81. More of Zoe's class...

80. Iridescent Sun: Zoe's class

79. A little wine makes the heart

78. Iridescent Sun: Angels fly

77. More school...

76. Iridescent Sun: AI confronted

75. The fairies seek out their tar

74. Iridescent Sun: the day contin

73. More acquaintances...

72. Iridescent Sun: start of the s

Iridescent Sun (non-canonical): They Feed the Ducks

on 2011-04-15 14:24:22

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The two hurriedly improvised a loincloth from a beach towel.

"It's so, so huge." Lisa remarked "I mean, I knew being male was a possibility, but this, I just wasn't ready for."

"You'll get used to it." Jay remarked. "It seems like just about everyone does."

The two were walking to the duck pond. Lisa had to moderate his pace, as taking the long strides that were natural to his new body practically forced the fox-girl into a run to keep up. Damn, the way the towel rubbed against his new male organ was kind of a distraction. The warmth of the sun on his new fur felt good, though.

The two chatted about work and whether Lisa's new body would fit into a cubicle. Lisa wondered whether his new form would mean a vegetarian diet. He paused, and lowered his new muzzle into a patch of succulent-looking grass. Mmmmmm. . .

The two arrived at the pond, and fed bread to the ducks. It was odd to see the ducks unchanged when it seemed like everything else in the world was different. "I wonder why the sun doesn't change animals?" Lisa mused.

"Got me" Jay answered. "There's about a million questions, and so far no answers."

"Kind of frustrating. I mean, how do you even investigate a thing like this?" It felt odd, but good in a way, to be the larger, stronger partner in the conversation. Lisa flexed his new muscles and wondered how strong he really was.

Lisa raised his muzzle to the sky and gave a loud minotaur laugh. "What's funny?" asked the fox-girl.

"I was just thinking." Lisa replied. "Now I don't have to be afraid to be out alone at night anymore."

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